Dear members of the Penola Catholic College community,
Month of November
Traditionally, Catholics observe November as the month of the Holy Souls. The month commences with two great Feast Days, the Feast of All Saints (1 Nov) and the Feast of All Souls (2 Nov). As I have mentioned in previous editions of this newsletter, it is also quite appropriate that during this month we observe Remembrance Day, 11 November, the anniversary of the day in 1918 when the hostilities ceased in the Great War, now more commonly known as the First World War. In remembering, honouring and praying for the dead we recognise the inestimable value of life, the dignity and sanctity of those who have died, and the sure belief that life continues beyond death albeit in a way that we do not fully understand. In remembering and praying for own loved ones who have died, we pay tribute to the gift that they have been to us, and we extend to them the care that they shared with us during their lives on earth.
This week, at a special Memorial Mass in St Joseph’s Chapel, we will pray with those in our community who have suffered the loss of family members and friends this year. The great consolation for us is that we know that those who have died are now with God, and are experiencing the fullness of God’s mercy and love.
We also celebrated All Saints day on Tuesday 1 November. On this day we remember the people of God throughout history like our patron, St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, who have been recognised as Saints by the Church. These individuals, young and old have lived out their faith and, at times, have paid the ultimate price for believing in God by giving their lives as martyrs. This year we think again especially of those countries around the world where Christians are being persecuted and are suffering for their faith. We remember the living saints of our times, the people of God living in this world today who by their example live their faith out daily. We pray that the Saints past and present may inspire us all to follow their example of service to others.
2022 Art Show
The annual College Art Show was opened on Wednesday 9 November. The works on display have been taken from all subject areas in the Visual Arts department and across all year levels. The items on display are of a high standard and provide evidence that our students have wonderful opportunities to develop their talents and skills in these areas of endeavour. Congratulations to Mr Jason Hussey, Mrs Naomi Diaz and all our art teachers and technicians for their efforts throughout the year and for the organisation of the Art Show.
Annual Awards Night
The annual Awards Night will be held in the Assembly and Sports Hall on Monday evening, 28 November, commencing at 7.00pm. Our guest of honour will be Mr John Domantay, a former Penola Catholic College student and College Captain. John is a 1996 graduate of Penola Catholic College and former College Captain. He achieved an ATAR of 90+. His qualifications include Bachelor of Science (Biomed) and Bachelor of Laws from Monash University, a Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice from Monash University and a Diploma of Financial Services. John currently is the Founder and Director of Alecto Finance and the Founder and Director of EcoGen Technologies. He is a past recipient of the Mary of the Cross Medal. All College families are warmly invited to attend this significant occasion.
Under the Starts Concert
Our music performers had the opportunity to shine at the Under the Stars concert held on Wednesday 9 November. This event showcased the talents of our musicians, bands and performers. Unfortunately I am rhythmically challenged but I can appreciate the talents of our students and their musicianship. Hours and hours of practice goes into perfecting their skills and talents and I was incredibly proud of the courageous students who performed live on these nights. I thank the parents and friends who supported our students on these nights as well as the Music staff including Mrs Ramona Arney, Mrs Dianne Lee and our classroom and instrumental music teachers.
This year we are continuing our successful Headstart program. Our current Years 8 - 11 students will commence their 2023 VCE subjects or 2023 Years 9 & 10 subjects on Monday 28 November and finish on Thursday 1 December. The advantages to this program are that students can begin their 2023 classwork earlier and giving them additional time to learn their respective VCE and Years 9 & 10 subjects. I have included this information now so that families can plan their end of year holidays with certainty and also know the finish times of each of the respective year levels.
Year 11 End of Year Dates
- Exams Wednesday 16 November – Wednesday 23 November
- Celebration Day Thursday 24 November
- Headstart program Monday 28 November – Thursday 1 December
Years 10 End of Year Dates
- Last Day of classes Wednesday 16 November 16
- Exams Thursday 17 November – Thursday 24 November
- Headstart program Monday 28 November – Thursday 1 December
Year 9 End of Year Dates
- Last Day of classes Friday 18 November
- Exams Monday 21 November – Thursday 24 November
- Headstart program Monday 28 November – Thursday 1 December
Years 8 End of Year Dates
- Last Day of classes Thursday 24 November
- Headstart program Monday 28 November – Thursday 1 December at the Broadmeadows campus
Year 7 End of Year Dates
- Last Day of classes Thursday 24 November
- Headstart program Monday 28 November – Thursday 1 December at the Glenroy Campus
Student Free Days this Term
Friday 25 November is a
Student Free Days for both
Campuses. This will allow our Senior students (Years 9 - 11) a small break between finishing exams and commencing their Headstart program and allow our staff to have a correction Day to finalise grades. It also allows our Junior campus staff time for correction and report writing of the end of year reports.
Year 12 Graduation Dinner
The Year 12 Graduation Dinner will occur on Monday 21 November, 2022. There has been some confusion regarding the date, but this is definitely the confirmed date. I look forward to seeing as many Year 12 students and their parents/guardians at the Dinner to celebrate the Class of 2022.
Year 7 Enrolments 2024
A reminder to all of our existing families that Year 7 enrolments for 2024 closed on Friday August 19. Letters of offer have been sent to those families who have completed the enrolment process last week. A number of families applied after the close of enrolment last year and it makes it very difficult to accurately plan for the following year, so I ask that you submit your enrolment as soon as possible. Often families assume that we know that there is a younger sibling, but I would be very disappointed if one of our existing families missed out on an enrolment due to not submitting their enrolment in a timely manner.
God our Father,
Your power brings us to birth,
Your providence guides our lives,
and by Your command we return to dust.
Lord, those who die still live in Your presence,
their lives change but do not end.
I pray in hope for my family,
relatives and friends,
and for all the dead known to You alone.
In company with Christ,
Who died and now lives,
may they rejoice in Your kingdom,
where all our tears are wiped away.
Unite us together again in one family,
to sing Your praise forever and ever.
Chris Caldow