From the Principal - Mr Chris Caldow Vol 11

Year 7 Enrolments 2024
A reminder to all of our existing families that Year 7 enrolments for 2024 close on Friday, 19 August. A number of families applied after the close of enrolment last year and it makes it very difficult to accurately plan for the following year, so I ask that you submit your enrolment as soon as possible. Often families assume that we know that there is a younger sibling but I would be very disappointed if one of our existing families missed out on an enrolment due to not submitting their enrolment in a timely manner.

Mary MacKillop Day
St Mary MacKillop is Australia’s first saint and patron saint of Penola Catholic College. This year we celebrate St Mary MacKillop Day on Monday, 8 August 2022 which is the anniversary of Mary’s death on 8 August 1909. Much has been planned for the day and it is the first time in three years that we will all be physically together. It provides us with a chance to celebrate our collective Josephite charism and spirit here at Penola. This is done through a mass at the beginning of the day and then a range of activities including our Little Long Walk celebrating aboriginal reconciliation and a whole range of rides and activities whilst raising money for our respective year level charities.

I am looking forward to St Mary MacKillop Day and hope that it is both successful and rewarding for all. A reminder that all students are expected to attend and be involved in the activities on the day. When you sign up for a place at Penola there are a range of different things that you are required to do as a result. Involvement in whole school activities such as our masses and St Mary MacKillop Day is a non-negotiable. Years 7-10 students are expected to wear their Sports uniform and the Years 11 & 12 students can come in casual clothes.


  • We are seeing a high number of cases of COVID-19, flu and other winter illnesses across Victoria.
  • To keep our school safe and reduce transmission of COVID-19 and other winter illnesses, we have put a range of measures in place based on health advice from the Australian and Victorian governments.
  • These include vaccination for eligible cohorts, ventilation of indoor spaces and a range of COVIDSafe measures including air purifiers, regular use of hand sanitizer and increased use of outdoor spaces.
  • Our governing authority Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) has asked that all students aged eight and over and all staff wear masks when in class from now until the end of winter.
  • This decision was not made lightly and was based on the best available evidence and in the interests of keeping students as safe as possible.
  • We have strong evidence that mask wearing works – as COVID-19 cases increased dramatically in Victorian Catholic schools in the weeks following the removal of mask mandates in February.

Your support in encouraging your child or children to wear a mask whilst indoors at school is greatly appreciated. Masks will be enforced for large indoor gatherings such as our Feast Day mass to protect all within our community.

Parent Engagement in Learning
There is a significant amount of research that indicates the greater the level of parent engagement in learning, the better the student results. Research from John Hattie suggests that when the effect size of effective teachers is complemented with the effect size of engaged parents, the resulting effect size is above 0.8 or two-years’ achievement in one. This suggests that when parents and teachers work together the achievement of all students is greater. Parent participation can be seen as a continuum from involvement to engagement to empowerment.

Parental involvement

Parental Engagement

Parent Empowerment

Attendance at School Events


Volunteer opportunities such as working in the canteen, class reading etc.

Focused on learning

Especially in the home

Building capacity – skills, attitudes and beliefs

Parent Leadership

Increasing parents’ social capital through working in collaborative groups

Our statistics taken from our College website indicate that less than 30% of families open the newsletter every fortnight. The following strategies are suggested to increase parent engagement.

  • Authoritative Parenting – a balance between love and warmth and setting boundaries.
  • Know the value of education – parents model the behaviours of successful lifelong learners to their children
  • Have high expectations and aspirations – parents hold high expectations for their children, communicate a belief in their potential to achieve and discuss their child’s educational and career aspirations.
  • Family-led learning in the home – linking schoolwork with current events, discussing learning strategies with your child and making connections between their current effort and achievement of future goals of employment or further study.
  • Becoming engaged and staying engaged throughout their schooling – regular talk about school and the value of learning throughout schooling, particularly at transition points.
  • Family-school communication – schooling is relationship based and requires quality two-way communication and meaningful dialogue between home and school.

The week beginning Monday, 1 August 2022 was JJAMM (Julian, Joseph and Mary MacKillop) Week, an important and fun week in our College calendar. It is the week that we take time to honour Fr Julian Tenison Woods, St Joseph and, most importantly, we celebrate the Feast Day of Mary MacKillop. There were many fun activities throughout the week and I am very grateful to all who have been involved. Money raised during the week will be donated to the various year level charities. My thanks to all involved with the week, particularly the Year Level Coordinators and Penola Student Council representatives.

Year 12 Interviews
Over the past fortnight I have been conducting interviews with Year 12 students. I asked our Year 12 teachers to nominate 2 groups of students from their classes.

  • Students who are applying themselves diligently to their studies.
  • Students who are capable of more than what they are currently producing.

With the first group of students, those working diligently, I am congratulating them and asking how they study best for the subject that they have been nominated for. I then ask for any other tips on how they study in other subjects and finally I ask for the advice that they would like to give their parents. For the second group of students, I am asking whether there is anything preventing them from applying themselves more and giving them some of the strategies that have been suggested by their peers who are working diligently.

With regards to advice for parents, students suggested

  • Trust that we are doing our best and keeping up to date with homework and study.
  • Offer support and talk with your son or daughter about school.
  • Asking too regularly whether their homework has been done can be stressful.
  • Encourage your son or daughter to do their best.
  • Allow space to work quietly and keep younger siblings away during busy study times.
  • Keep doing what you are already doing? (Most common response)

Parent Teacher Student Interviews
Our Parent Teacher Student interviews will take place on Thursday, 11 August via TEAMS for both campuses. I hope to see many of you booked into these interviews to continue to build on our relationship. Education is a three-way partnership between the school, the students and families. Penola is implementing a system to notify parents when a subject teacher has requested an interview.

With semester one reports not far behind us, parents are often asking the best way to assist secondary age students with their study. At times (particularly in Years 10-12) the courses are fairly difficult and demanding and parents are not always able to help directly with the content or answers that students are grappling with. However, there are many ways that parents can support students as they prepare for tests and other types of assessment. Perhaps the most helpful is to assist with a structure or method for studying. This ensures that students are not just sitting staring at textbooks or doing their work in front of the TV.

Is the semester one report still in a prominent place and referred to regularly in order to assist with setting semester two learning goals? There is significant research to indicate that the higher the level of parent engagement in their child’s learning, the better the outcomes for these students. I am keen to hear from parents if there are ways that we can assist you in being engaged in the learning process. If you have any suggestions, please contact me via phone or email

Prayer for the Feast of the Assumption of Mary
Next Monday, 15 August 2022 will be the Feast of the Assumption. I have included a prayer for the Assumption of Mary

Woman of Listening,

Mary, woman of listening, open our ears;

Grant us to know how to listen to the word of Jesus among the thousands of words in this world;

Grant that we may listen to the reality in which we live, to every person that we encounter,

Especially those who are poor, in need, in hardship.

Mary, woman of decision, illuminate our mind and our heart, so that we may follow the word of your son Jesus;

Mary, woman of action, obtain that our hands and feet move “with haste” towards others.

To bring them the charity and love of your son Jesus, to bring the light of the Gospel to the world, as you did.


From the Head of Campus Broadmeadows - Ms Erin Bonavia Vol 11

It was wonderful to see so many students and families attending our recent Careers Expo and information sessions about senior programs for 2023. Thank you very much for your attendance. Students will continue to explore career options in designated pastoral sessions to support their subject selection and future pathways.

Feast Day Celebrations
It has been an exciting week as we prepare for the Feast Day of Saint Mary of the Cross Mackillop on August 8. Congratulations to all year levels for their fundraising efforts during JJAM week which will support the year level charities. I am looking forward to a terrific Feast Day and thank students in advance for their participation. A reminder that St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Feast day is compulsory and any absence will require a medical certificate or discussion with the Year Level Coordinator for other emergency reasons.

Student behaviour in public
My message to students at recent year level assemblies is that I hope everyone feels proud to be a member of Penola Catholic College. The community will often view the way students behave in public as a representation of our school. I have been extremely pleased to hear wonderful feedback and comments about our student’s behaviour at recent excursions including the VCAL students work ethic, professionalism, and manner during their volunteer work at Dallas Neighbourhood House. I urge all students to please be mindful of their behaviour in public settings such as our local streets, excursions, sporting events and train stations and to please be courteous to members of the public.

Pastoral program
A reminder to students and families that attendance and participation in Period 1 pastoral lessons each Friday is a school expectation. Arriving late to school without a valid reason i.e. medical certificate and deliberately missing the pastoral program is unacceptable and consequences will apply. The pastoral program is designed to support students with their wellbeing, social and emotional development and a range of activities including guest speakers are planned for these times.

From the Head of Faith & Mission - Mr Robert Dullard Vol 11

JJAMM Week 2022
Each year, as a major focus leading into Feast Day, the students and staff participate in JJAMM Week (Julian, Joseph and Mary Mackillop) raising funds to help support their various Year Level Charities. Such action during JJAMM Week epitomises the charism of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop because Mary was exactly that, a person of action. Mary felt ever so strong about helping and supporting the poor or those struggling in life in some form or another. Where she saw a need, Mary never waited for others to do something, she always took it upon herself to personally roll up her sleeves and do something about it. We are called, as members of the Penola Catholic College community and followers of her charism, to follow her lead and do the same. JJAMM Week provides the perfect opportunity for this because our students and staff can actively reach out through our College Charities to those who are less fortunate than ourselves, and contribute towards making a positive difference in our world.

Our various Year Level Charities are:

  • Year 7 - MacKillop (Peru)
  • Year 8 - KADASIG
  • Year 9 - Vinnie's
  • Year 10 - Asylum Seekers
  • Year 11 - Christmas on the Streets (C.O.T.S.)
  • Year 12- Hope Centre (Glenroy)

As such, the students have been quite active this week, on both campuses, running various food stalls and activities to raise funds and to promote the spirit of the Josephite charism. Students have been involved in tree planting, students vs teachers volleyball games, an Amazing Race, running BBQs, raffles, a music festival, selling drinks, lollies and doughnuts – JJAMM ones of course! It has been great success and a lot of fun. Congratulations to all involved for their wonderful efforts.

College Production

College Production – High School Musical Jr
After two years of lockdowns and cancelled performances, we are very relieved to have finally staged our College Production last month. This year, it was our turn to produce High School Musical Jr, which was a huge success and hit amongst all ages. This year we welcomed a large number of students that were new to the College Production, including several Year 12 students who wanted to try something new in their final year of secondary schooling. Our students were professional, gave 150% effort across six performances and were just a fabulous group of students to work with.

On behalf of the Cast, Backstage Crew and Production Team, I would like to thank everyone who assisted with the production – from staff who ran rehearsals, created costumes and sets, assisted with hair and make-up, backstage, canteen and supervision through to parents and friends who drove students to and from production rehearsals and performances. Thanks also to everyone who attended our performances and supported our students. We truly hope you enjoyed our production of High School Musical Jr as much as we enjoyed putting the whole show together.

Congratulations to all our production students and a big thank you to our students, staff, families and friends for supporting and encouraging our students to ‘reach for the highest star!’

We are very much looking forward to staging a new musical in 2023! Stay-tuned!!

Mrs Ramona Arney
Head of Performing Arts/Instrumental Music Coordinator

Student Leadership

College Captains Report from Angus and Jordan

Leadership Launch Assembly
On Friday 15 July, the Leadership Launch Assembly was held for the Year 10 and 11 students. The Assembly discussed the various opportunities and roles of Student Leadership that Penola Catholic College has to offer. We were also present in the assembly to provide speeches on our experience of Leadership, and what it means to be a student leader within our thriving community. Additionally, our former College Captain of 2020, Taniya Senanayake, joined us once more to give an inspirational speech about her time in leadership, and the ways in which each person can play to their individual strengths to optimize their potential as a Leader.

JJAMM Week 2022
With July soon to be ending, JJAMM Week (Week 4; the 1-5-5 f August) is well under way! As a Josephite Community, JJAMM week, the week leading up to Mary Mackillop's Feast Day, is the centrepiece of our School Year. It is a time where we can join as a community and celebrate the charisms of our Patron Saint, of which, we at Penola aspire to take on and portray in our daily lives. To celebrate this, as usual, each year level has been working hard to raise money for their year level charities, additionally, the Student Leadership Team has been providing a wide range of activities and sales to take place throughout the week.

Leadership Training Afternoon
On Wednesday 20 July, the Leadership Training Afternoon was held for the current Year 10 and Year 11 Students aspiring to be 2023 Student Leaders. The training afternoon consisted of Defining Leadership and Leadership Styles with further explanation, a Team building activity and game, Personal Goal Setting, further discussion surrounding the Student Leadership applications and processes, and an initial opportunity to project ‘Student Voice’ surrounding current School practices and future initiatives and ideas. This session hoped to provide the students with an opportunity to try something new and step outside of their comfort zones. A Certificate of Participation will be provided for each student who was in attendance, which is to be distributed at a Year Level Assembly after the 20th, this certificate identifies that the Student has undertaken the Training Session and gained new skills in Leadership.

College Production

From Wednesday 20 to Saturday 23 July, the Penola Catholic College High School Musical Jnr. Production was shown in the Auditorium. We had assisted in the running of this Production as part of the Backstage Crew, as well as this, we had served as Ushers for the Show, checking Tickets, and helping Guests to find their seats. Over the past month, we have found the preparation for the production to be such an enjoyable experience, by the end of the show, there was a strong sense of comradery amongst both the cast and crew that could show how happy everyone was to be present for the show. We would like to truly commend our Stage Manager and Year 11 PSC, Olivia Bertelli, who demonstrated such great Leadership over the past 6 months by coordinating the Backstage Crew as well as looking out for all members in order to ensure that everyone's job was as straight forward as possible and that we were all enjoying our time in the Backstage Crew. In additionally, we cannot thank the performing arts staff enough, for all the time and effort that they placed into bringing the show together. We cannot wait to see what the Performing Arts Department has instore for next year’s School Production, and hope it is as amazing and enjoyable as this year’s one!

Additionally, during Production there was a PSC and Faith and Mission Fundraiser that took place, where Food and Beverage Items were sold prior to each of the Shows! All funds raised will go directly to Year Level Charities. We would like to say a huge thank you to Miss Perkin, Mr Dullard, and Melissa for the coordination of running this Fundraiser. As well as our Vice-Captain of Sport, Tara Oliva who assisted in selling prior to the Closing Night Performance!

Year 12 Pyjama Day
On Friday 29 July, as part of the Year 12 cohort’s fundraising for our Year Level Charity, Hope Centre, Glenroy, we had arranged a Pyjama Day for our cohort. Everyone was required to bring a $2 donation. It was so amazing to see everyone’s spirit and willingness to dress up, have a laugh and it was a wonderful day had by all!

High School Musical Jnr Report from the Captain of Performing Arts Nelana:
What team? Wildcats! That is what everyone was shouting last week at Penola as the production cast performed six shows of Highschool Musical Jr during the week. The week started with a late afterschool rehearsal where we saw the costumes coming to life with the help of our light team Thomas and Duncan. We could see onstage Sharpay’s bright leather jacket, the wildcat jersey designed by Miss Warren looking fantastic and Miss Darbus’ extravagant clothes flowing with her swan lake movements. The first dress rehearsal although productive had a few funny moments like waiting onstage for actors to arrive, Sharpay forgetting her fabulous pink pen a few times and learning the bows in record time! Moving forward a few days and it was time to perform to our first matinee show to the primary school kids. I know being backstage everyone was feeling nervous, so I will let you in on a little secret on how I and the cast of Highschool musical brought our energy up whilst getting into a focused zone. First, when we got there, we had a beauty salon, mic station and wardrobe set up in the green room. Most of us came with our make up on and then headed to Alessia, Angus or Leah to put our mics on. Once our mics were on, we had to run a sound check with Mr Greatwood, and normally you would think we would sing something from the show, but I will tell you that my friends and I sometimes decided to change it up. You could hear songs like A,B,C, opera, and other musical numbers coming through backstage from our soundchecks. After mics, we finalized the details of our costumes checking they were looking brilliant with Miss Lee and cat walking onstage to feel the buzz. Group warmups were run by me and usually consisted of having a boogie to a song, doing some lip trills to get our sound forward and some accent techniques. Lastly, we listened to some words of encouragement from our Director Miss Dalli and producer Mrs Arney.

Both Wednesday and Thursday primary school performances went amazing, with about 90% of the kids saying that out of everyone, Troy Bolton was their favourite. We even had some people asking to show Troy how to do a three pointer! Even though many students said they loved Sharpay lots, we had to remind them that we doubled our attitude on stage. Then Thursday and Friday night came and Cast 2 were blown away with the laughs and feedback they were given about their performance.

Saturday matinee came and as the Performing Arts Captain I knew I had to find a way to get Cast 1, to show off their skills, so I gave them a challenge. I told them I was proud of everyone’s commitment and thanked everyone for making me have fun. But my challenge was to try and up Cast 2. I said that it is up to cast one now to own the stage and be better than us, and the applauses that night showed that Penola’s Highschool Musical was a hit.

If you have not seen the show, there is always next year! So come along and witness the laughs, excitement and good times Penola brings to their productions.

Captains of Sport Report from Joulia and Tara:

SACCSS Year 8 Boys AFL
On Thursday 16 June, the SACCSS Year 8 Boys AFL Team coached by Mr. Dyson Bell-Warren and Mr. Dean Bird, travelled to Royal Park, Parkville to compete in the SACCSS One Day Tournament. In game one, the Boys took on a versatile and strong CRC Caroline Springs outfit with Penola going down by eight points, 27 to 19. It was a very quick turnaround, game two for the day the Boys took on the very classy and consistent Mackillop outfit, who proved far too strong over the game with Penola going down by forty-one points, 55 to 14. A huge thank you to all the Coaches for their work and assistance in developing and enhancing the Girls’ skills throughout the event!

Year 7 Premier League
Semi Finals for the Year 7 Premier League Season took place on Wednesday 15 June with the Girls Basketball Team who took on CRC North Keilor and the Boys and Girls Volleyball Team and Boys Basketball Team all of whom took on CRC St Albans for a place in the Grand Final! Some close and epic Semi Finals took place, all of which could have either way by games end. Commiserations to the Boys Basketball Team going down by six points 27 to 21, the Girls Basketball Team going down by seventeen points, 52 to 35 and the Girls Volleyball Team going down by one set, 3 to 2. A huge congratulations to the Boys Volleyball Team who breezed past their opponents in the Semi Final, earning them a place in the Grand Final, coming away with a great win by 3 Sets, 3 to 0.

Grand Final Day had arrived which took place on Tuesday 12 July and the Boys Volleyball Team travelled to Greenvale, to play Kolbe in the decider. A magical performance from start to finish, it had its difficulties as all Grand Finals have, Penola too strong on the day coming away with a resounding victory by 2 Sets, 3 to 1. What a journey it has been, with the Team been crowned champions for Season 2022! A magnificent job coached by Mr. Brendan Smith and Valentino T (8A), a huge congratulations to the following students for representing Penola:

  • Leonardo Y
  • Zac P
  • Lachlan J
  • Nicholas K
  • Matthew G
  • Lucas C
  • Dylan N
  • Gifford D
  • Ethan R
  • Collin S

SACCSS Senior Boys AFL Grand Final Match Report from Mr. Vraca
On Tuesday 21 June, the Senior Boys AFL Team played off in the Grand Final against Marymede at Highgate Reserve. It was a close, tight contest in the first half, with both teams getting a jump on each other at various stages. James C was best on ground for Penola, putting in a dominant midfield performance and took his chances up forward. Rakis V, Kieran G and Frank G were also among our best players. Marymede were able to take their chances in the second half running away with the victory, 9.7.61 – 17.7.109.

SACCSS Senior Boys and Girls Soccer
Round 1 of the SACCSS Senior Boys Soccer Season took place on Thursday 23 June, with Penola travelling to South Morang to take on Marymede in their opening fixture of the Season. Marymede were far too strong for us on the day with Penola going down 5 to 1.

Round two for the SACCSS Senior Boys Soccer Team took place on Tuesday 12 July, with Penola travelling to Point Cook to take on Emmanuel. Emmanuel was highly classy and skilful, we were no match, with Penola going down by ten goals, 11 to 1.

After the Bye in Round 1 for the SACCSS Senior Girls Soccer Team, Penola travelled to Truganina to take on Thomas Carr for their Round 2 Fixture on Tuesday 12 July. Two evenly match teams, highly skilful and great teamwork on display with Penola drawing with Thomas Carr 4 all.

All the best and good luck to both the Boys and Girls Team who host Mackillop and CRC Melton respectively for their Round 3 matches taking place on Thursday 21 May!

Year 9 Premier League
The Year 9 Premier League Season began with Round 1 that took place on Wednesday 13 July, outstanding efforts for all those who got involved. Below is the list of Results and the Most Valuable Player from each team:





Boys AFL

CRC Melton

Won 10.12.72 - 6.2.38

Julian M

Boys Basketball

Caroline Chisholm

Won 26-16

Jarrod S

Girls Basketball

Caroline Chisholm

Won 33-21

Leah S

Boys Soccer

CRC Melton

Won 9-1

Justin K

Girls Soccer

CRC Melton

Won 12-0

Ikhlas Y (6 Goals!)

Boys Volleyball

Thomas Carr

Lost 1 (83)- 3 (95)

Regan N

Girls Volleyball

Thomas Carr

Won 3 (75) - 0 (51)

Leena N


CRC Melton

Lost 8-24

Cassie I

On Monday 18 July, the SACCSS Chess Tournament took place at Thomas Carr College, Truganina. With Mr. Dean Bird and Mr. Phillip Whittaker accompanying the Junior, Intermediate and Senior Teams for the day. It was a momentous day with fun had by all! Congratulations to the Senior Team finishing fourth overall for the One Day Tournament!

3v3 Basketball Students vs Teachers
On Tuesday 19 July, Students across Years 9-12 competed in 3v3 Basketball against each other and Staff Members. There were multiple rounds in this Mini Tournament, with an amazing turn up from the crowd, cheering and applauding to support all who were involved. The Final Match was played between the Staff and Year 11 Boys, resulting in a Draw 2-2. While there was no Winner, it was great to see the Teachers and Students play so well against each other. This event was great fun for everyone, and we look forward to many more Students vs Teachers matches to come.

Year 9 Premier League
Round two of the Year 9 Premier League Season took place on Wednesday 20 July, magnificent efforts from all those who got involved. Below is the list of Results and the Most Valuable Player from each team:





Boys AFL

St Monica's

Lost 4.5.29- 10.8.68

Marcus B

Boys Basketball

CRC St Albans

Drew 28-28

Team Effort

Girls Basketball

CRC St Albans

Won 65-0

Sienna R

Boys Soccer

St Monica's

Lost 0-3

Baran E

Girls Soccer

St Monica's

Lost 0-8

Alyssia I

Boys Volleyball

CRC St Albans

Won 3-0

Regan N

Girls Volleyball

CRC St Albans

Won 3-0

Kate M


St Monica's


Round three of the Year 9 Premier League Season took place on Wednesday 27 July, fabulous efforts from all those who got involved. Below is the list of Results and the Most Valuable Player from each team:





Boys AFL


Lost 13-87

Matthew L

Boys Basketball


Girls Basketball


Boys Soccer


Lost 1-3

Harry T

Girls Soccer


Drew 0-0

Isabella C

Boys Volleyball


Girls Volleyball




Lost 9-30

Alex D

Round four of the Year 9 Premier League Season takes place on Wednesday 2 August, good luck to all teams as they host CRC Caroline Springs in a huge round of Matches for the Season!

SACCSS Senior Boys and Girls Soccer
Round three for the SACCSS Senior Boys Soccer Team took place on Thursday 21 July, with Penola hosting Mackillop at ABD Stadium. It was a difficult game for Penola, Mackillop proving to be far too strong with Penola going down by five goals, 6 to 1.

Round four for the SACCSS Senior Boys Soccer Team took place on Tuesday 26 July, a quick turnaround from Round 3, with Penola hosting St Monica’s at ABD Stadium. St Monica’s started sharply and ran away with the game right from kick off, far too strong and we were no match. Going down by twenty-two goals, 22 to 0.

Round five and the final game for the SACCSS Senior Boys Soccer Team for Season 2022 took place on Tuesday 2 August, with Penola making the trip to Keilor Downs to take on CRC Sydenham at Green Gully Reserve. CRC Sydenham were far too strong from the outset, their class shown through coming away with the win by thirteen goals, 15 to 2.

Round three for the SACCSS Senior Girls Soccer Team took place on Thursday 21 July, with Penola hosting CRC at the Senior Campus. It was a terrific game, played in great spirits, two evenly matched teams and by the final whistle Penola and CRC Melton could not be separated with the result ending in a draw one all.

Round four for the SACCSS Senior Girls Soccer Team took place on Tuesday 26 July, a quick turnaround from Round 3, with Penola hosting Kolbe at the Senior Campus. It was a highly competitive game, played in spectacular spirit, with Kolbe coming away with the win by two goals, 2 to 0.

Round five and the final game for the SACCSS Senior Girls Soccer Team for Season 2022 took place on Tuesday 2 August, with Penola making the trip to Keilor Park to take on Caroline Chisholm. It was a formidable game to end the girls’ campaign for Season 2022, remarkably close and could have gone either way by the final whistle. Caroline Chisholm prevailing by one goal, 1 to 0.

SACCSS Badminton Report from Mr. Whittaker
On Thursday 28 July, 12 enthusiastic Students travelled to Eagle Stadium, Werribee to participate in the annual SACCSS Badminton Tournament. There was a mixture of experienced and novice players, but all represented Penola Catholic College with pride, and should be congratulated on their efforts. The sportsmanship demonstrated by all the students again reminded me of the wonderful student cohort that exists at Penola. Special mention must be made of Angelo J and Jayden J, who won the SACCSS Senior B Badminton Title. I am sure they are looking forward to

defending their title next year. Congratulations also to Kieran G and Reilly H who were runners up in the Intermediate B Category. A special thank you also to Mr. Griffin for organising the day. Looking forward to next year’s tournament!

SACCSS Senior Boys and Girls Basketball
We would like to wish both the SACCSS Senior Boys and Girls Basketball Team the absolute best of luck as they both begin their 2022 campaigns travelling to Eagle Stadium, Werribee to take on Thomas Carr in their Round 1 Fixtures next Tuesday 9 August!

JJAMM Week 2022 Reports:

Tree Planting – Broadmeadows Campus from Captain of Sustainability Grace and College Vice Captain Siala
To kick off JJAMM Week on Monday 1 August, a Tree Planting Activity was organised by our Captain of Sustainability, Grace Jory, one of our College Vice Captains, Siala Maelasi, and Sustainability Coordinator, Mr Bell-Warren from the Junior Campus. With a quick demonstration from one of our Maintenance Team Members, we all grabbed some Gardening Gloves and Tools and got to work. Some students were planting, and others were following not far behind with Watering Cans. Thanks to the help of around 20 Student Volunteers, we had an amazing time spending our Lunchtime Planting and Chatting, enjoying the company of others while cultivating new life on our School Grounds. With massive help from Mrs Fry, Mr Ratcliffe and Mr Henderson we were able to plant approximately 80 Small Shrubs, Native Grasses, and Assorted Saplings on the Northern Oval all in a single Lunchtime. Following on from this, we hope to organise further Green Thumb Activities over the remainder of the Term, maintaining our Wetlands, and mulching the Area in which we worked on Today.

Amazing Race – Glenroy Campus from College Captains Angus and Jordan
Three weeks of Term 3 have flown by so quickly and after a busy weekend of preparation leading in, Day 1 of JJAMM Week had arrived (Monday 1 August), all the anticipation, build up and preparation it was time to get cracking with the events! We alongside one for the Captains of Sport Joulia, one of the Captains of Christian Service, Sofia, and Year 12 PSC'S Rose, Jenith and Thomas had organised and prepared to run the Amazing Race at Lunchtime for the Year 7s and 8s to kick off

JJAMM Week! The Bell rang to mark the commencement of Period 4 and it was time to head to the Bus to make the short journey to the Junior Campus, or so we thought it would be a short journey... An adventurous start for us all, we were encountered with Bus trouble and had to change Buses from our original planned Bus. Unfortunately, this sadly meant we were minus 1 seat, which Joulia, kindly offered and was happy to stay behind, we were off and made it to Glenroy with 8 minutes to spare prior to the start of Lunch.

We met Miss Perkin in the Chapel, our Student Leadership Coordinator who had all the required printing for our Activity, we then split up to our designated activities in preparation for the beginning of the Race. 10 Eager and Enthusiastic Year 7s and 8s Students arrived at the Chapel at the start of Lunch and at 12:50 and it was go time! First stop was to Jordan's Art Activity outside the Art and Woodwork Rooms, which was completed quickly! Following on, a quick sprint through the Centre to the front of the Gym where Year 12 PSC's Rose and Thomas were waiting with their Guess Who the Teacher is from their Childhood Activity! Next stop, the Centre, where Year 12 PSC, Jenith was waiting with a Guess the Song Activity, everyone breezed through that, it was then up the stairs to the ERC where one of the Captains of Christian Service, Sofia was awaiting their arrival with a Mary Mackillop Wordsearch! The great leveller of the race, it took some time and could have gone either way, a few nervous moments for all, everyone got it done! A huge congratulations to Amelia B 7J on completing the Amazing Race first and declared our winner, coming away with an Uber Eats Voucher Prize. All 10 Students who participated were rewarded and thanked for their participation with a Giant Freddo Frog, which everyone thoroughly enjoyed and was happy to receive.

It was then, back to the Bus for us, a short trip back to Broadmeadows, making it back around 10 minutes into Period 5. We would like to extend a huge thank you to Deputy Principal: Head of Senior Campus, Ms Bonavia and her Personal Assistant, Mrs Dalrymple, for transporting us to and from the Junior Campus on the day and for Miss Perkin organising and arranging for us to run the Amazing Race at the Junior Campus.

Students vs Teachers Volleyball Matches – Broadmeadows Campus from Captains of Sport Joulia and Tara
For Day 2 of JJAMM Week on Tuesday 2 August, Students across Years 9 to 12 competed in Volleyball Tournament against each other and Staff Members. There were multiple Rounds in this Mini Tournament, with many Students coming along to cheer on their peers and enjoy a Lunchtime Game of Volleyball. The Final was played between the Staff and the Year 12 Students, which at Full Time was a Draw 16 to 16. However, with an Extra Minute on the Clock added, the Teachers came away with the win, three points in front of the Year 12's, 19 to 16. This was a close and exciting game to watch, all players were incredibly talented, and it was great to see them try their absolute best. Thank you to all who participated, your outstanding efforts did not go unnoticed.

A Message from Student Leadership Co-ordinator: Miss. Elizabeth Perkin
What an incredibly exciting and empowering week it has been for all of our students involved in the Student Leadership Program at the College. I truly commend and thank all of our 2022 Student Leaders for the amount of work and dedication that have employed throughout this week, pertaining to all of the JJAMM week activities organised. In addition, I thank the leaders who have been actively involved in the preparation for this. Our prospective College Vice- Captains and College Captains for the 2023 academic year, have been busily preparing their speeches that will be showcased through our Leadership assembly on Friday 5 August. I have been delighted to see each of these students immerse themselves in the emerging leadership opportunities we have available. Best wishes to each of the candidates.

Learning at Penola

Congratulations to our Mr Catoggio, senior VCAL students and staff on their achievements during Year 12 VCAL Community Service. The students worked collaboratively to clean and tidy the Dallas Neighbourhood House Community Centre. The students demonstrated teamwork skills, compassion and commitment to service our community in need. Their efforts led to a full skip of rubbish and tidy of the garden beds to make way for internal painting and new planting in the garden beds. The students’ work demonstrated their achievements of the key learning outcomes in VCAL Personal Development Skills. We are very proud of the level of comradery and efforts to support our local community with Dallas Neighbourhood House. Overall a fantastic job!

Thank you to all parents and students who attended the recent Careers Expo and information evenings focused on subject and pathway selection for 2023. Families should now be reading the Curriculum Handbook and discussing their child’s preferred pathway and future goals. Students in Years 9 and 10 must complete their subject planning forms in preparation for subject counselling meetings that begin on August 9 for Year 11 2023 and Year 10 2023 August 11. All resources to assist students with their decision making and application forms for VCE- Vocational Major and external VET courses are on MyPenola. Year 9 2023 subject counselling is scheduled for August 17 and 18.

Parents you can support your son and daughter by discussing their selections at home and assisting them to complete the Planning Sheet prior to course advice. Please look to have these completed by August 8.

  • If you or your child have questions please do the following:
  • Read/view the curriculum resources on MyPenola
  • Contact the relevant Heal of Learning or Year Level Co-Ordinator
  • Contact Sandra Warren (Year 7-8) or Vera Treloar (Year 9-12)
  • For VCE matters contact Joanne Barton
  • For VCAL matters contact Daniel Catoggio
  • For Careers contact Jen Doan

Partnering with families is one of the most powerful ways to promote a sense shared common goals in a child’s learning journey. The first two dates of scheduled PTSPMs scheduled for August 11 (Broadmeadows and Glenroy) will occur via Microsoft TEAMs. Have you made your bookings?

Connecting with families is of vital importance to Penola staff as we discuss and reflect on students’ school experience thus far. As you are planning to meet with your child’s teachers, please prepare some questions you may wish to ask and review the academic feedback on MyPenola. In addition, please share with staff any information that may assist us to support your son/daughter with their learning. We look forward to meeting with as many parents as possible.

Learning Strategies

At Penola Catholic College it is our expectation that each student:

  • Displays creative and critical thinking skills
  • Effectively communicates ideas and information
  • Demonstrates a positive attitude to learning and strives for personal best
  • Is self-motivated and works well independently
  • Participates well in collaborative learning
  • Uses effective organisation strategies

By adopting these Learning Strategies students are able to strive for academic excellence and reach their full potential as learners. These 21st century skills will stand each student in good stead not only in our school setting, but also within the wider community.

General Achievement Test Information Sheet for Parents


Where will you be in 2023?

Do you have family or friends looking to join the College in 2023? Applications for 2023 closed back in August 2021.

We have limited spaces available for Year 7 in 2023.

Visit the enrolments page to submit and online application or collect an enrolment pack from one of our campuses.

Junior Campus
35 William Street, Glenroy

Senior Campus
29 Gibson Street, Broadmeadows


Attending the Abruzzo Lab in Epping last Thursday was a great experience as we had the opportunity to explore what we had been learning about in Italian class, in person. While at the Abruzzo Lab we were able to enjoy a three-course meal consisting of cultural foods, such as arrosticini (chicken and lamb skewers), pallotte (cheese balls), fiadone (cheese puffs), pasta alla chitarra (pasta made with tool that makes a sound like a guitar), timballo (a lasagna like dish with layers of crepe like pasta) and to top it off, pizzelle alla Nutella (waffles with Nutella). The owner, Michelle spoke to us about the region and why she opened her own restaurant. We all found it very interesting and a great opportunity for us to know more about Abruzzo. Michelle said that “she brought Abruzzo to Melbourne” and I think we could all agree that being in the Abruzzo Lab really did feel like we were in Italy. If you are looking for a new place to dine, check out Abruzzo Lab in Epping for your next family lunch or dinner out.

Sophie W 10K & Mary C 10B


Science update

Term 3 is always eventful in the Science department as we have a huge range of events occurring.

On Friday 29 July, four of our Year 11 students travelled to VU for the day accompanied by one of our science staff members Jessica Wu. The students were involved in a range of STEM based activities and each student was asked to write about their experiences.

I had the privilege of participating in Victoria University's STEM discovery day. We were able to complete two mini courses of our chosen field. I chose humanoids and sustainable packaging. In humanoids we were paired up and had to follow instructions given to make a small functioning printer out of Lego. After we had built the printer we had the challenge of running diagnostics and deciding how we could fix its faults. In sustainable packaging we worked in small groups to try and design a minimalist protective packaging inside of a box using packing peanuts. The challenge was to create something using very few peanuts and being able to drop the package from a substantial height without subjecting the accelerometer inside to too much stress. I had a great time today and made some friends as well. It was awesome to be able to talk to some of the professors there and get a better understanding of what to expect from university as a whole.

Grace J.
In a world where everything is evolving and there’s a lot of advancement, STEM is significant as it helps people in their everyday life in this contemporary society. Victoria University has created an event where they show students the importance and contributions of STEM in life. I was one of the lucky students to join this event. There were heaps of activities to do in connection with STEM. The workshops that I participate in were chemical analysis and sustainable packaging workshops. In chemical analysis, we did chromatography and spectrophotometry. In this activity, we learned that there are still things yet to be discovered in every aspect of life. Some things look simple, but we don’t know that within those things there are complex compounds that are found. While, sustainable packaging, from the name itself, has to create packaging that is sustainable and efficient. Since pollution is one of the timely issues that the world is facing, even the small things matter to help the environment survive. The goal of sustainability is to eradicate environmental degradation and promote a clean environment. Victoria University did a great job to promote the STEM strand to students.

Caryl S.
I took part in the two activities called chemical analysis and humanoids. In chemical analysis, we determined the sugars in honey by high performance liquid chromatography using Shimadzu Analytical Instruments. I got to inject the compound of honey and water into the machine and watch it create a graph of the data, showing the amounts of glucose and fructose present in the sample. We also determined Aspirin by UV/Visible Spectrophotometry, this analysis used the deep colour produced when Salicylate anion reacts with Iron III cation. Both experiments were very fun and engaging, we were also given safety goggles as a gift!

As for humanoids, I paired up with a girl from another school and made a functional printer out of Lego, but the printer had issues that we were required to fix for the printer to function. After fixing the printer, we used the special app provided to code an image and the printer drew it for us! This activity used problem solving skills and teamwork, as well as following instructions to be able to produce a successful printer.

The teachers at Victoria University mentioned the small number of females in STEM, especially in engineering. Women make up about 13% of engineers and they were more than excited to see the large amount of girls that joined in on the day. We were all provided with a goodies bag by Engineers Australia, that included pens, notebooks, hand sanitizer and a handbook. We were also supplied with a yummy lunch of wraps, sandwiches, fruit and drinks and given the chance to talk to the staff and ask questions.

Sarah S.
We would like to thank these students for their willingness to share what they had learnt on the day and congratulate them as they were highly enthusiastic and were excellent representatives of Penola Catholic College.

Science week begins on 13 August and promises to include lots of activities for our students at both Glenroy and Broadmeadows campuses. This year’s theme is Glass: more than meets the eye.

Activities include:

  • Year 7 students will visit the Melbourne Zoo
  • Year 8 students will visit La Trobe university and participate in a range of activities
  • Year 12 Biology students will be attending Ecolinc in Bacchus Marsh
  • Daily quizzes
  • Lunch time activities (jelly lenses, stained glass, mosaic coasters, drones and glass bead bracelet making)

All of these activities could not run without the ongoing enthusiasm of the Science team, and I would like to publicly thank them for the work that they do to give our students opportunities to explore the wonderful world of Science.

Leanne Attard
Head of Science (Broadmeadows)


Study Hair and Makeup at Penola

Community News

PCC Newsletter Volume 11 - 04 Aug 2022

From the Principal - Mr Chris Caldow Vol 11

Year 7 Enrolments 2024
A reminder to all of our existing families that Year 7 enrolments for 2024 close on Friday, 19 August. A number of families applied after the close of enrolment last year and it makes it very difficult to accurately plan for the following year, so I ask that you submit your enrolment as soon as possible. Often families assume that we know that there is a younger sibling but I would be very disappointed if one of our existing families missed out on an enrolment due to not submitting their enrolment in a timely manner.

Mary MacKillop Day
St Mary MacKillop is Australia’s first saint and patron saint of Penola Catholic College. This year we celebrate St Mary MacKillop Day on Monday, 8 August 2022 which is the anniversary of Mary’s death on 8 August 1909. Much has been planned for the day and it is the first time in three years that we will all be physically together. It provides us with a chance to celebrate our collective Josephite charism and spirit here at Penola. This is done through a mass at the beginning of the day and then a range of activities including our Little Long Walk celebrating aboriginal reconciliation and a whole range of rides and activities whilst raising money for our respective year level charities.

I am looking forward to St Mary MacKillop Day and hope that it is both successful and rewarding for all. A reminder that all students are expected to attend and be involved in the activities on the day. When you sign up for a place at Penola there are a range of different things that you are required to do as a result. Involvement in whole school activities such as our masses and St Mary MacKillop Day is a non-negotiable. Years 7-10 students are expected to wear their Sports uniform and the Years 11 & 12 students can come in casual clothes.


  • We are seeing a high number of cases of COVID-19, flu and other winter illnesses across Victoria.
  • To keep our school safe and reduce transmission of COVID-19 and other winter illnesses, we have put a range of measures in place based on health advice from the Australian and Victorian governments.
  • These include vaccination for eligible cohorts, ventilation of indoor spaces and a range of COVIDSafe measures including air purifiers, regular use of hand sanitizer and increased use of outdoor spaces.
  • Our governing authority Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) has asked that all students aged eight and over and all staff wear masks when in class from now until the end of winter.
  • This decision was not made lightly and was based on the best available evidence and in the interests of keeping students as safe as possible.
  • We have strong evidence that mask wearing works – as COVID-19 cases increased dramatically in Victorian Catholic schools in the weeks following the removal of mask mandates in February.

Your support in encouraging your child or children to wear a mask whilst indoors at school is greatly appreciated. Masks will be enforced for large indoor gatherings such as our Feast Day mass to protect all within our community.

Parent Engagement in Learning
There is a significant amount of research that indicates the greater the level of parent engagement in learning, the better the student results. Research from John Hattie suggests that when the effect size of effective teachers is complemented with the effect size of engaged parents, the resulting effect size is above 0.8 or two-years’ achievement in one. This suggests that when parents and teachers work together the achievement of all students is greater. Parent participation can be seen as a continuum from involvement to engagement to empowerment.

Parental involvement

Parental Engagement

Parent Empowerment

Attendance at School Events


Volunteer opportunities such as working in the canteen, class reading etc.

Focused on learning

Especially in the home

Building capacity – skills, attitudes and beliefs

Parent Leadership

Increasing parents’ social capital through working in collaborative groups

Our statistics taken from our College website indicate that less than 30% of families open the newsletter every fortnight. The following strategies are suggested to increase parent engagement.

  • Authoritative Parenting – a balance between love and warmth and setting boundaries.
  • Know the value of education – parents model the behaviours of successful lifelong learners to their children
  • Have high expectations and aspirations – parents hold high expectations for their children, communicate a belief in their potential to achieve and discuss their child’s educational and career aspirations.
  • Family-led learning in the home – linking schoolwork with current events, discussing learning strategies with your child and making connections between their current effort and achievement of future goals of employment or further study.
  • Becoming engaged and staying engaged throughout their schooling – regular talk about school and the value of learning throughout schooling, particularly at transition points.
  • Family-school communication – schooling is relationship based and requires quality two-way communication and meaningful dialogue between home and school.

The week beginning Monday, 1 August 2022 was JJAMM (Julian, Joseph and Mary MacKillop) Week, an important and fun week in our College calendar. It is the week that we take time to honour Fr Julian Tenison Woods, St Joseph and, most importantly, we celebrate the Feast Day of Mary MacKillop. There were many fun activities throughout the week and I am very grateful to all who have been involved. Money raised during the week will be donated to the various year level charities. My thanks to all involved with the week, particularly the Year Level Coordinators and Penola Student Council representatives.

Year 12 Interviews
Over the past fortnight I have been conducting interviews with Year 12 students. I asked our Year 12 teachers to nominate 2 groups of students from their classes.

  • Students who are applying themselves diligently to their studies.
  • Students who are capable of more than what they are currently producing.

With the first group of students, those working diligently, I am congratulating them and asking how they study best for the subject that they have been nominated for. I then ask for any other tips on how they study in other subjects and finally I ask for the advice that they would like to give their parents. For the second group of students, I am asking whether there is anything preventing them from applying themselves more and giving them some of the strategies that have been suggested by their peers who are working diligently.

With regards to advice for parents, students suggested

  • Trust that we are doing our best and keeping up to date with homework and study.
  • Offer support and talk with your son or daughter about school.
  • Asking too regularly whether their homework has been done can be stressful.
  • Encourage your son or daughter to do their best.
  • Allow space to work quietly and keep younger siblings away during busy study times.
  • Keep doing what you are already doing? (Most common response)

Parent Teacher Student Interviews
Our Parent Teacher Student interviews will take place on Thursday, 11 August via TEAMS for both campuses. I hope to see many of you booked into these interviews to continue to build on our relationship. Education is a three-way partnership between the school, the students and families. Penola is implementing a system to notify parents when a subject teacher has requested an interview.

With semester one reports not far behind us, parents are often asking the best way to assist secondary age students with their study. At times (particularly in Years 10-12) the courses are fairly difficult and demanding and parents are not always able to help directly with the content or answers that students are grappling with. However, there are many ways that parents can support students as they prepare for tests and other types of assessment. Perhaps the most helpful is to assist with a structure or method for studying. This ensures that students are not just sitting staring at textbooks or doing their work in front of the TV.

Is the semester one report still in a prominent place and referred to regularly in order to assist with setting semester two learning goals? There is significant research to indicate that the higher the level of parent engagement in their child’s learning, the better the outcomes for these students. I am keen to hear from parents if there are ways that we can assist you in being engaged in the learning process. If you have any suggestions, please contact me via phone or email

Prayer for the Feast of the Assumption of Mary
Next Monday, 15 August 2022 will be the Feast of the Assumption. I have included a prayer for the Assumption of Mary

Woman of Listening,

Mary, woman of listening, open our ears;

Grant us to know how to listen to the word of Jesus among the thousands of words in this world;

Grant that we may listen to the reality in which we live, to every person that we encounter,

Especially those who are poor, in need, in hardship.

Mary, woman of decision, illuminate our mind and our heart, so that we may follow the word of your son Jesus;

Mary, woman of action, obtain that our hands and feet move “with haste” towards others.

To bring them the charity and love of your son Jesus, to bring the light of the Gospel to the world, as you did.


From the Head of Campus Broadmeadows - Ms Erin Bonavia Vol 11

It was wonderful to see so many students and families attending our recent Careers Expo and information sessions about senior programs for 2023. Thank you very much for your attendance. Students will continue to explore career options in designated pastoral sessions to support their subject selection and future pathways.

Feast Day Celebrations
It has been an exciting week as we prepare for the Feast Day of Saint Mary of the Cross Mackillop on August 8. Congratulations to all year levels for their fundraising efforts during JJAM week which will support the year level charities. I am looking forward to a terrific Feast Day and thank students in advance for their participation. A reminder that St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Feast day is compulsory and any absence will require a medical certificate or discussion with the Year Level Coordinator for other emergency reasons.

Student behaviour in public
My message to students at recent year level assemblies is that I hope everyone feels proud to be a member of Penola Catholic College. The community will often view the way students behave in public as a representation of our school. I have been extremely pleased to hear wonderful feedback and comments about our student’s behaviour at recent excursions including the VCAL students work ethic, professionalism, and manner during their volunteer work at Dallas Neighbourhood House. I urge all students to please be mindful of their behaviour in public settings such as our local streets, excursions, sporting events and train stations and to please be courteous to members of the public.

Pastoral program
A reminder to students and families that attendance and participation in Period 1 pastoral lessons each Friday is a school expectation. Arriving late to school without a valid reason i.e. medical certificate and deliberately missing the pastoral program is unacceptable and consequences will apply. The pastoral program is designed to support students with their wellbeing, social and emotional development and a range of activities including guest speakers are planned for these times.

From the Head of Faith & Mission - Mr Robert Dullard Vol 11

JJAMM Week 2022
Each year, as a major focus leading into Feast Day, the students and staff participate in JJAMM Week (Julian, Joseph and Mary Mackillop) raising funds to help support their various Year Level Charities. Such action during JJAMM Week epitomises the charism of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop because Mary was exactly that, a person of action. Mary felt ever so strong about helping and supporting the poor or those struggling in life in some form or another. Where she saw a need, Mary never waited for others to do something, she always took it upon herself to personally roll up her sleeves and do something about it. We are called, as members of the Penola Catholic College community and followers of her charism, to follow her lead and do the same. JJAMM Week provides the perfect opportunity for this because our students and staff can actively reach out through our College Charities to those who are less fortunate than ourselves, and contribute towards making a positive difference in our world.

Our various Year Level Charities are:

  • Year 7 - MacKillop (Peru)
  • Year 8 - KADASIG
  • Year 9 - Vinnie's
  • Year 10 - Asylum Seekers
  • Year 11 - Christmas on the Streets (C.O.T.S.)
  • Year 12- Hope Centre (Glenroy)

As such, the students have been quite active this week, on both campuses, running various food stalls and activities to raise funds and to promote the spirit of the Josephite charism. Students have been involved in tree planting, students vs teachers volleyball games, an Amazing Race, running BBQs, raffles, a music festival, selling drinks, lollies and doughnuts – JJAMM ones of course! It has been great success and a lot of fun. Congratulations to all involved for their wonderful efforts.

College Production

College Production – High School Musical Jr
After two years of lockdowns and cancelled performances, we are very relieved to have finally staged our College Production last month. This year, it was our turn to produce High School Musical Jr, which was a huge success and hit amongst all ages. This year we welcomed a large number of students that were new to the College Production, including several Year 12 students who wanted to try something new in their final year of secondary schooling. Our students were professional, gave 150% effort across six performances and were just a fabulous group of students to work with.

On behalf of the Cast, Backstage Crew and Production Team, I would like to thank everyone who assisted with the production – from staff who ran rehearsals, created costumes and sets, assisted with hair and make-up, backstage, canteen and supervision through to parents and friends who drove students to and from production rehearsals and performances. Thanks also to everyone who attended our performances and supported our students. We truly hope you enjoyed our production of High School Musical Jr as much as we enjoyed putting the whole show together.

Congratulations to all our production students and a big thank you to our students, staff, families and friends for supporting and encouraging our students to ‘reach for the highest star!’

We are very much looking forward to staging a new musical in 2023! Stay-tuned!!

Mrs Ramona Arney
Head of Performing Arts/Instrumental Music Coordinator

Student Leadership

College Captains Report from Angus and Jordan

Leadership Launch Assembly
On Friday 15 July, the Leadership Launch Assembly was held for the Year 10 and 11 students. The Assembly discussed the various opportunities and roles of Student Leadership that Penola Catholic College has to offer. We were also present in the assembly to provide speeches on our experience of Leadership, and what it means to be a student leader within our thriving community. Additionally, our former College Captain of 2020, Taniya Senanayake, joined us once more to give an inspirational speech about her time in leadership, and the ways in which each person can play to their individual strengths to optimize their potential as a Leader.

JJAMM Week 2022
With July soon to be ending, JJAMM Week (Week 4; the 1-5-5 f August) is well under way! As a Josephite Community, JJAMM week, the week leading up to Mary Mackillop's Feast Day, is the centrepiece of our School Year. It is a time where we can join as a community and celebrate the charisms of our Patron Saint, of which, we at Penola aspire to take on and portray in our daily lives. To celebrate this, as usual, each year level has been working hard to raise money for their year level charities, additionally, the Student Leadership Team has been providing a wide range of activities and sales to take place throughout the week.

Leadership Training Afternoon
On Wednesday 20 July, the Leadership Training Afternoon was held for the current Year 10 and Year 11 Students aspiring to be 2023 Student Leaders. The training afternoon consisted of Defining Leadership and Leadership Styles with further explanation, a Team building activity and game, Personal Goal Setting, further discussion surrounding the Student Leadership applications and processes, and an initial opportunity to project ‘Student Voice’ surrounding current School practices and future initiatives and ideas. This session hoped to provide the students with an opportunity to try something new and step outside of their comfort zones. A Certificate of Participation will be provided for each student who was in attendance, which is to be distributed at a Year Level Assembly after the 20th, this certificate identifies that the Student has undertaken the Training Session and gained new skills in Leadership.

College Production

From Wednesday 20 to Saturday 23 July, the Penola Catholic College High School Musical Jnr. Production was shown in the Auditorium. We had assisted in the running of this Production as part of the Backstage Crew, as well as this, we had served as Ushers for the Show, checking Tickets, and helping Guests to find their seats. Over the past month, we have found the preparation for the production to be such an enjoyable experience, by the end of the show, there was a strong sense of comradery amongst both the cast and crew that could show how happy everyone was to be present for the show. We would like to truly commend our Stage Manager and Year 11 PSC, Olivia Bertelli, who demonstrated such great Leadership over the past 6 months by coordinating the Backstage Crew as well as looking out for all members in order to ensure that everyone's job was as straight forward as possible and that we were all enjoying our time in the Backstage Crew. In additionally, we cannot thank the performing arts staff enough, for all the time and effort that they placed into bringing the show together. We cannot wait to see what the Performing Arts Department has instore for next year’s School Production, and hope it is as amazing and enjoyable as this year’s one!

Additionally, during Production there was a PSC and Faith and Mission Fundraiser that took place, where Food and Beverage Items were sold prior to each of the Shows! All funds raised will go directly to Year Level Charities. We would like to say a huge thank you to Miss Perkin, Mr Dullard, and Melissa for the coordination of running this Fundraiser. As well as our Vice-Captain of Sport, Tara Oliva who assisted in selling prior to the Closing Night Performance!

Year 12 Pyjama Day
On Friday 29 July, as part of the Year 12 cohort’s fundraising for our Year Level Charity, Hope Centre, Glenroy, we had arranged a Pyjama Day for our cohort. Everyone was required to bring a $2 donation. It was so amazing to see everyone’s spirit and willingness to dress up, have a laugh and it was a wonderful day had by all!

High School Musical Jnr Report from the Captain of Performing Arts Nelana:
What team? Wildcats! That is what everyone was shouting last week at Penola as the production cast performed six shows of Highschool Musical Jr during the week. The week started with a late afterschool rehearsal where we saw the costumes coming to life with the help of our light team Thomas and Duncan. We could see onstage Sharpay’s bright leather jacket, the wildcat jersey designed by Miss Warren looking fantastic and Miss Darbus’ extravagant clothes flowing with her swan lake movements. The first dress rehearsal although productive had a few funny moments like waiting onstage for actors to arrive, Sharpay forgetting her fabulous pink pen a few times and learning the bows in record time! Moving forward a few days and it was time to perform to our first matinee show to the primary school kids. I know being backstage everyone was feeling nervous, so I will let you in on a little secret on how I and the cast of Highschool musical brought our energy up whilst getting into a focused zone. First, when we got there, we had a beauty salon, mic station and wardrobe set up in the green room. Most of us came with our make up on and then headed to Alessia, Angus or Leah to put our mics on. Once our mics were on, we had to run a sound check with Mr Greatwood, and normally you would think we would sing something from the show, but I will tell you that my friends and I sometimes decided to change it up. You could hear songs like A,B,C, opera, and other musical numbers coming through backstage from our soundchecks. After mics, we finalized the details of our costumes checking they were looking brilliant with Miss Lee and cat walking onstage to feel the buzz. Group warmups were run by me and usually consisted of having a boogie to a song, doing some lip trills to get our sound forward and some accent techniques. Lastly, we listened to some words of encouragement from our Director Miss Dalli and producer Mrs Arney.

Both Wednesday and Thursday primary school performances went amazing, with about 90% of the kids saying that out of everyone, Troy Bolton was their favourite. We even had some people asking to show Troy how to do a three pointer! Even though many students said they loved Sharpay lots, we had to remind them that we doubled our attitude on stage. Then Thursday and Friday night came and Cast 2 were blown away with the laughs and feedback they were given about their performance.

Saturday matinee came and as the Performing Arts Captain I knew I had to find a way to get Cast 1, to show off their skills, so I gave them a challenge. I told them I was proud of everyone’s commitment and thanked everyone for making me have fun. But my challenge was to try and up Cast 2. I said that it is up to cast one now to own the stage and be better than us, and the applauses that night showed that Penola’s Highschool Musical was a hit.

If you have not seen the show, there is always next year! So come along and witness the laughs, excitement and good times Penola brings to their productions.

Captains of Sport Report from Joulia and Tara:

SACCSS Year 8 Boys AFL
On Thursday 16 June, the SACCSS Year 8 Boys AFL Team coached by Mr. Dyson Bell-Warren and Mr. Dean Bird, travelled to Royal Park, Parkville to compete in the SACCSS One Day Tournament. In game one, the Boys took on a versatile and strong CRC Caroline Springs outfit with Penola going down by eight points, 27 to 19. It was a very quick turnaround, game two for the day the Boys took on the very classy and consistent Mackillop outfit, who proved far too strong over the game with Penola going down by forty-one points, 55 to 14. A huge thank you to all the Coaches for their work and assistance in developing and enhancing the Girls’ skills throughout the event!

Year 7 Premier League
Semi Finals for the Year 7 Premier League Season took place on Wednesday 15 June with the Girls Basketball Team who took on CRC North Keilor and the Boys and Girls Volleyball Team and Boys Basketball Team all of whom took on CRC St Albans for a place in the Grand Final! Some close and epic Semi Finals took place, all of which could have either way by games end. Commiserations to the Boys Basketball Team going down by six points 27 to 21, the Girls Basketball Team going down by seventeen points, 52 to 35 and the Girls Volleyball Team going down by one set, 3 to 2. A huge congratulations to the Boys Volleyball Team who breezed past their opponents in the Semi Final, earning them a place in the Grand Final, coming away with a great win by 3 Sets, 3 to 0.

Grand Final Day had arrived which took place on Tuesday 12 July and the Boys Volleyball Team travelled to Greenvale, to play Kolbe in the decider. A magical performance from start to finish, it had its difficulties as all Grand Finals have, Penola too strong on the day coming away with a resounding victory by 2 Sets, 3 to 1. What a journey it has been, with the Team been crowned champions for Season 2022! A magnificent job coached by Mr. Brendan Smith and Valentino T (8A), a huge congratulations to the following students for representing Penola:

  • Leonardo Y
  • Zac P
  • Lachlan J
  • Nicholas K
  • Matthew G
  • Lucas C
  • Dylan N
  • Gifford D
  • Ethan R
  • Collin S

SACCSS Senior Boys AFL Grand Final Match Report from Mr. Vraca
On Tuesday 21 June, the Senior Boys AFL Team played off in the Grand Final against Marymede at Highgate Reserve. It was a close, tight contest in the first half, with both teams getting a jump on each other at various stages. James C was best on ground for Penola, putting in a dominant midfield performance and took his chances up forward. Rakis V, Kieran G and Frank G were also among our best players. Marymede were able to take their chances in the second half running away with the victory, 9.7.61 – 17.7.109.

SACCSS Senior Boys and Girls Soccer
Round 1 of the SACCSS Senior Boys Soccer Season took place on Thursday 23 June, with Penola travelling to South Morang to take on Marymede in their opening fixture of the Season. Marymede were far too strong for us on the day with Penola going down 5 to 1.

Round two for the SACCSS Senior Boys Soccer Team took place on Tuesday 12 July, with Penola travelling to Point Cook to take on Emmanuel. Emmanuel was highly classy and skilful, we were no match, with Penola going down by ten goals, 11 to 1.

After the Bye in Round 1 for the SACCSS Senior Girls Soccer Team, Penola travelled to Truganina to take on Thomas Carr for their Round 2 Fixture on Tuesday 12 July. Two evenly match teams, highly skilful and great teamwork on display with Penola drawing with Thomas Carr 4 all.

All the best and good luck to both the Boys and Girls Team who host Mackillop and CRC Melton respectively for their Round 3 matches taking place on Thursday 21 May!

Year 9 Premier League
The Year 9 Premier League Season began with Round 1 that took place on Wednesday 13 July, outstanding efforts for all those who got involved. Below is the list of Results and the Most Valuable Player from each team:





Boys AFL

CRC Melton

Won 10.12.72 - 6.2.38

Julian M

Boys Basketball

Caroline Chisholm

Won 26-16

Jarrod S

Girls Basketball

Caroline Chisholm

Won 33-21

Leah S

Boys Soccer

CRC Melton

Won 9-1

Justin K

Girls Soccer

CRC Melton

Won 12-0

Ikhlas Y (6 Goals!)

Boys Volleyball

Thomas Carr

Lost 1 (83)- 3 (95)

Regan N

Girls Volleyball

Thomas Carr

Won 3 (75) - 0 (51)

Leena N


CRC Melton

Lost 8-24

Cassie I

On Monday 18 July, the SACCSS Chess Tournament took place at Thomas Carr College, Truganina. With Mr. Dean Bird and Mr. Phillip Whittaker accompanying the Junior, Intermediate and Senior Teams for the day. It was a momentous day with fun had by all! Congratulations to the Senior Team finishing fourth overall for the One Day Tournament!

3v3 Basketball Students vs Teachers
On Tuesday 19 July, Students across Years 9-12 competed in 3v3 Basketball against each other and Staff Members. There were multiple rounds in this Mini Tournament, with an amazing turn up from the crowd, cheering and applauding to support all who were involved. The Final Match was played between the Staff and Year 11 Boys, resulting in a Draw 2-2. While there was no Winner, it was great to see the Teachers and Students play so well against each other. This event was great fun for everyone, and we look forward to many more Students vs Teachers matches to come.

Year 9 Premier League
Round two of the Year 9 Premier League Season took place on Wednesday 20 July, magnificent efforts from all those who got involved. Below is the list of Results and the Most Valuable Player from each team:





Boys AFL

St Monica's

Lost 4.5.29- 10.8.68

Marcus B

Boys Basketball

CRC St Albans

Drew 28-28

Team Effort

Girls Basketball

CRC St Albans

Won 65-0

Sienna R

Boys Soccer

St Monica's

Lost 0-3

Baran E

Girls Soccer

St Monica's

Lost 0-8

Alyssia I

Boys Volleyball

CRC St Albans

Won 3-0

Regan N

Girls Volleyball

CRC St Albans

Won 3-0

Kate M


St Monica's


Round three of the Year 9 Premier League Season took place on Wednesday 27 July, fabulous efforts from all those who got involved. Below is the list of Results and the Most Valuable Player from each team:





Boys AFL


Lost 13-87

Matthew L

Boys Basketball


Girls Basketball


Boys Soccer


Lost 1-3

Harry T

Girls Soccer


Drew 0-0

Isabella C

Boys Volleyball


Girls Volleyball




Lost 9-30

Alex D

Round four of the Year 9 Premier League Season takes place on Wednesday 2 August, good luck to all teams as they host CRC Caroline Springs in a huge round of Matches for the Season!

SACCSS Senior Boys and Girls Soccer
Round three for the SACCSS Senior Boys Soccer Team took place on Thursday 21 July, with Penola hosting Mackillop at ABD Stadium. It was a difficult game for Penola, Mackillop proving to be far too strong with Penola going down by five goals, 6 to 1.

Round four for the SACCSS Senior Boys Soccer Team took place on Tuesday 26 July, a quick turnaround from Round 3, with Penola hosting St Monica’s at ABD Stadium. St Monica’s started sharply and ran away with the game right from kick off, far too strong and we were no match. Going down by twenty-two goals, 22 to 0.

Round five and the final game for the SACCSS Senior Boys Soccer Team for Season 2022 took place on Tuesday 2 August, with Penola making the trip to Keilor Downs to take on CRC Sydenham at Green Gully Reserve. CRC Sydenham were far too strong from the outset, their class shown through coming away with the win by thirteen goals, 15 to 2.

Round three for the SACCSS Senior Girls Soccer Team took place on Thursday 21 July, with Penola hosting CRC at the Senior Campus. It was a terrific game, played in great spirits, two evenly matched teams and by the final whistle Penola and CRC Melton could not be separated with the result ending in a draw one all.

Round four for the SACCSS Senior Girls Soccer Team took place on Tuesday 26 July, a quick turnaround from Round 3, with Penola hosting Kolbe at the Senior Campus. It was a highly competitive game, played in spectacular spirit, with Kolbe coming away with the win by two goals, 2 to 0.

Round five and the final game for the SACCSS Senior Girls Soccer Team for Season 2022 took place on Tuesday 2 August, with Penola making the trip to Keilor Park to take on Caroline Chisholm. It was a formidable game to end the girls’ campaign for Season 2022, remarkably close and could have gone either way by the final whistle. Caroline Chisholm prevailing by one goal, 1 to 0.

SACCSS Badminton Report from Mr. Whittaker
On Thursday 28 July, 12 enthusiastic Students travelled to Eagle Stadium, Werribee to participate in the annual SACCSS Badminton Tournament. There was a mixture of experienced and novice players, but all represented Penola Catholic College with pride, and should be congratulated on their efforts. The sportsmanship demonstrated by all the students again reminded me of the wonderful student cohort that exists at Penola. Special mention must be made of Angelo J and Jayden J, who won the SACCSS Senior B Badminton Title. I am sure they are looking forward to

defending their title next year. Congratulations also to Kieran G and Reilly H who were runners up in the Intermediate B Category. A special thank you also to Mr. Griffin for organising the day. Looking forward to next year’s tournament!

SACCSS Senior Boys and Girls Basketball
We would like to wish both the SACCSS Senior Boys and Girls Basketball Team the absolute best of luck as they both begin their 2022 campaigns travelling to Eagle Stadium, Werribee to take on Thomas Carr in their Round 1 Fixtures next Tuesday 9 August!

JJAMM Week 2022 Reports:

Tree Planting – Broadmeadows Campus from Captain of Sustainability Grace and College Vice Captain Siala
To kick off JJAMM Week on Monday 1 August, a Tree Planting Activity was organised by our Captain of Sustainability, Grace Jory, one of our College Vice Captains, Siala Maelasi, and Sustainability Coordinator, Mr Bell-Warren from the Junior Campus. With a quick demonstration from one of our Maintenance Team Members, we all grabbed some Gardening Gloves and Tools and got to work. Some students were planting, and others were following not far behind with Watering Cans. Thanks to the help of around 20 Student Volunteers, we had an amazing time spending our Lunchtime Planting and Chatting, enjoying the company of others while cultivating new life on our School Grounds. With massive help from Mrs Fry, Mr Ratcliffe and Mr Henderson we were able to plant approximately 80 Small Shrubs, Native Grasses, and Assorted Saplings on the Northern Oval all in a single Lunchtime. Following on from this, we hope to organise further Green Thumb Activities over the remainder of the Term, maintaining our Wetlands, and mulching the Area in which we worked on Today.

Amazing Race – Glenroy Campus from College Captains Angus and Jordan
Three weeks of Term 3 have flown by so quickly and after a busy weekend of preparation leading in, Day 1 of JJAMM Week had arrived (Monday 1 August), all the anticipation, build up and preparation it was time to get cracking with the events! We alongside one for the Captains of Sport Joulia, one of the Captains of Christian Service, Sofia, and Year 12 PSC'S Rose, Jenith and Thomas had organised and prepared to run the Amazing Race at Lunchtime for the Year 7s and 8s to kick off

JJAMM Week! The Bell rang to mark the commencement of Period 4 and it was time to head to the Bus to make the short journey to the Junior Campus, or so we thought it would be a short journey... An adventurous start for us all, we were encountered with Bus trouble and had to change Buses from our original planned Bus. Unfortunately, this sadly meant we were minus 1 seat, which Joulia, kindly offered and was happy to stay behind, we were off and made it to Glenroy with 8 minutes to spare prior to the start of Lunch.

We met Miss Perkin in the Chapel, our Student Leadership Coordinator who had all the required printing for our Activity, we then split up to our designated activities in preparation for the beginning of the Race. 10 Eager and Enthusiastic Year 7s and 8s Students arrived at the Chapel at the start of Lunch and at 12:50 and it was go time! First stop was to Jordan's Art Activity outside the Art and Woodwork Rooms, which was completed quickly! Following on, a quick sprint through the Centre to the front of the Gym where Year 12 PSC's Rose and Thomas were waiting with their Guess Who the Teacher is from their Childhood Activity! Next stop, the Centre, where Year 12 PSC, Jenith was waiting with a Guess the Song Activity, everyone breezed through that, it was then up the stairs to the ERC where one of the Captains of Christian Service, Sofia was awaiting their arrival with a Mary Mackillop Wordsearch! The great leveller of the race, it took some time and could have gone either way, a few nervous moments for all, everyone got it done! A huge congratulations to Amelia B 7J on completing the Amazing Race first and declared our winner, coming away with an Uber Eats Voucher Prize. All 10 Students who participated were rewarded and thanked for their participation with a Giant Freddo Frog, which everyone thoroughly enjoyed and was happy to receive.

It was then, back to the Bus for us, a short trip back to Broadmeadows, making it back around 10 minutes into Period 5. We would like to extend a huge thank you to Deputy Principal: Head of Senior Campus, Ms Bonavia and her Personal Assistant, Mrs Dalrymple, for transporting us to and from the Junior Campus on the day and for Miss Perkin organising and arranging for us to run the Amazing Race at the Junior Campus.

Students vs Teachers Volleyball Matches – Broadmeadows Campus from Captains of Sport Joulia and Tara
For Day 2 of JJAMM Week on Tuesday 2 August, Students across Years 9 to 12 competed in Volleyball Tournament against each other and Staff Members. There were multiple Rounds in this Mini Tournament, with many Students coming along to cheer on their peers and enjoy a Lunchtime Game of Volleyball. The Final was played between the Staff and the Year 12 Students, which at Full Time was a Draw 16 to 16. However, with an Extra Minute on the Clock added, the Teachers came away with the win, three points in front of the Year 12's, 19 to 16. This was a close and exciting game to watch, all players were incredibly talented, and it was great to see them try their absolute best. Thank you to all who participated, your outstanding efforts did not go unnoticed.

A Message from Student Leadership Co-ordinator: Miss. Elizabeth Perkin
What an incredibly exciting and empowering week it has been for all of our students involved in the Student Leadership Program at the College. I truly commend and thank all of our 2022 Student Leaders for the amount of work and dedication that have employed throughout this week, pertaining to all of the JJAMM week activities organised. In addition, I thank the leaders who have been actively involved in the preparation for this. Our prospective College Vice- Captains and College Captains for the 2023 academic year, have been busily preparing their speeches that will be showcased through our Leadership assembly on Friday 5 August. I have been delighted to see each of these students immerse themselves in the emerging leadership opportunities we have available. Best wishes to each of the candidates.

Learning at Penola

Congratulations to our Mr Catoggio, senior VCAL students and staff on their achievements during Year 12 VCAL Community Service. The students worked collaboratively to clean and tidy the Dallas Neighbourhood House Community Centre. The students demonstrated teamwork skills, compassion and commitment to service our community in need. Their efforts led to a full skip of rubbish and tidy of the garden beds to make way for internal painting and new planting in the garden beds. The students’ work demonstrated their achievements of the key learning outcomes in VCAL Personal Development Skills. We are very proud of the level of comradery and efforts to support our local community with Dallas Neighbourhood House. Overall a fantastic job!

Thank you to all parents and students who attended the recent Careers Expo and information evenings focused on subject and pathway selection for 2023. Families should now be reading the Curriculum Handbook and discussing their child’s preferred pathway and future goals. Students in Years 9 and 10 must complete their subject planning forms in preparation for subject counselling meetings that begin on August 9 for Year 11 2023 and Year 10 2023 August 11. All resources to assist students with their decision making and application forms for VCE- Vocational Major and external VET courses are on MyPenola. Year 9 2023 subject counselling is scheduled for August 17 and 18.

Parents you can support your son and daughter by discussing their selections at home and assisting them to complete the Planning Sheet prior to course advice. Please look to have these completed by August 8.

  • If you or your child have questions please do the following:
  • Read/view the curriculum resources on MyPenola
  • Contact the relevant Heal of Learning or Year Level Co-Ordinator
  • Contact Sandra Warren (Year 7-8) or Vera Treloar (Year 9-12)
  • For VCE matters contact Joanne Barton
  • For VCAL matters contact Daniel Catoggio
  • For Careers contact Jen Doan

Partnering with families is one of the most powerful ways to promote a sense shared common goals in a child’s learning journey. The first two dates of scheduled PTSPMs scheduled for August 11 (Broadmeadows and Glenroy) will occur via Microsoft TEAMs. Have you made your bookings?

Connecting with families is of vital importance to Penola staff as we discuss and reflect on students’ school experience thus far. As you are planning to meet with your child’s teachers, please prepare some questions you may wish to ask and review the academic feedback on MyPenola. In addition, please share with staff any information that may assist us to support your son/daughter with their learning. We look forward to meeting with as many parents as possible.

Learning Strategies

At Penola Catholic College it is our expectation that each student:

  • Displays creative and critical thinking skills
  • Effectively communicates ideas and information
  • Demonstrates a positive attitude to learning and strives for personal best
  • Is self-motivated and works well independently
  • Participates well in collaborative learning
  • Uses effective organisation strategies

By adopting these Learning Strategies students are able to strive for academic excellence and reach their full potential as learners. These 21st century skills will stand each student in good stead not only in our school setting, but also within the wider community.

General Achievement Test Information Sheet for Parents


Where will you be in 2023?

Do you have family or friends looking to join the College in 2023? Applications for 2023 closed back in August 2021.

We have limited spaces available for Year 7 in 2023.

Visit the enrolments page to submit and online application or collect an enrolment pack from one of our campuses.

Junior Campus
35 William Street, Glenroy

Senior Campus
29 Gibson Street, Broadmeadows


Attending the Abruzzo Lab in Epping last Thursday was a great experience as we had the opportunity to explore what we had been learning about in Italian class, in person. While at the Abruzzo Lab we were able to enjoy a three-course meal consisting of cultural foods, such as arrosticini (chicken and lamb skewers), pallotte (cheese balls), fiadone (cheese puffs), pasta alla chitarra (pasta made with tool that makes a sound like a guitar), timballo (a lasagna like dish with layers of crepe like pasta) and to top it off, pizzelle alla Nutella (waffles with Nutella). The owner, Michelle spoke to us about the region and why she opened her own restaurant. We all found it very interesting and a great opportunity for us to know more about Abruzzo. Michelle said that “she brought Abruzzo to Melbourne” and I think we could all agree that being in the Abruzzo Lab really did feel like we were in Italy. If you are looking for a new place to dine, check out Abruzzo Lab in Epping for your next family lunch or dinner out.

Sophie W 10K & Mary C 10B


Science update

Term 3 is always eventful in the Science department as we have a huge range of events occurring.

On Friday 29 July, four of our Year 11 students travelled to VU for the day accompanied by one of our science staff members Jessica Wu. The students were involved in a range of STEM based activities and each student was asked to write about their experiences.

I had the privilege of participating in Victoria University's STEM discovery day. We were able to complete two mini courses of our chosen field. I chose humanoids and sustainable packaging. In humanoids we were paired up and had to follow instructions given to make a small functioning printer out of Lego. After we had built the printer we had the challenge of running diagnostics and deciding how we could fix its faults. In sustainable packaging we worked in small groups to try and design a minimalist protective packaging inside of a box using packing peanuts. The challenge was to create something using very few peanuts and being able to drop the package from a substantial height without subjecting the accelerometer inside to too much stress. I had a great time today and made some friends as well. It was awesome to be able to talk to some of the professors there and get a better understanding of what to expect from university as a whole.

Grace J.
In a world where everything is evolving and there’s a lot of advancement, STEM is significant as it helps people in their everyday life in this contemporary society. Victoria University has created an event where they show students the importance and contributions of STEM in life. I was one of the lucky students to join this event. There were heaps of activities to do in connection with STEM. The workshops that I participate in were chemical analysis and sustainable packaging workshops. In chemical analysis, we did chromatography and spectrophotometry. In this activity, we learned that there are still things yet to be discovered in every aspect of life. Some things look simple, but we don’t know that within those things there are complex compounds that are found. While, sustainable packaging, from the name itself, has to create packaging that is sustainable and efficient. Since pollution is one of the timely issues that the world is facing, even the small things matter to help the environment survive. The goal of sustainability is to eradicate environmental degradation and promote a clean environment. Victoria University did a great job to promote the STEM strand to students.

Caryl S.
I took part in the two activities called chemical analysis and humanoids. In chemical analysis, we determined the sugars in honey by high performance liquid chromatography using Shimadzu Analytical Instruments. I got to inject the compound of honey and water into the machine and watch it create a graph of the data, showing the amounts of glucose and fructose present in the sample. We also determined Aspirin by UV/Visible Spectrophotometry, this analysis used the deep colour produced when Salicylate anion reacts with Iron III cation. Both experiments were very fun and engaging, we were also given safety goggles as a gift!

As for humanoids, I paired up with a girl from another school and made a functional printer out of Lego, but the printer had issues that we were required to fix for the printer to function. After fixing the printer, we used the special app provided to code an image and the printer drew it for us! This activity used problem solving skills and teamwork, as well as following instructions to be able to produce a successful printer.

The teachers at Victoria University mentioned the small number of females in STEM, especially in engineering. Women make up about 13% of engineers and they were more than excited to see the large amount of girls that joined in on the day. We were all provided with a goodies bag by Engineers Australia, that included pens, notebooks, hand sanitizer and a handbook. We were also supplied with a yummy lunch of wraps, sandwiches, fruit and drinks and given the chance to talk to the staff and ask questions.

Sarah S.
We would like to thank these students for their willingness to share what they had learnt on the day and congratulate them as they were highly enthusiastic and were excellent representatives of Penola Catholic College.

Science week begins on 13 August and promises to include lots of activities for our students at both Glenroy and Broadmeadows campuses. This year’s theme is Glass: more than meets the eye.

Activities include:

  • Year 7 students will visit the Melbourne Zoo
  • Year 8 students will visit La Trobe university and participate in a range of activities
  • Year 12 Biology students will be attending Ecolinc in Bacchus Marsh
  • Daily quizzes
  • Lunch time activities (jelly lenses, stained glass, mosaic coasters, drones and glass bead bracelet making)

All of these activities could not run without the ongoing enthusiasm of the Science team, and I would like to publicly thank them for the work that they do to give our students opportunities to explore the wonderful world of Science.

Leanne Attard
Head of Science (Broadmeadows)


Study Hair and Makeup at Penola

Community News