Dear Members of the Penola Catholic College community,
This is our last newsletter for the Term. Term 1 has been a very busy and successful start to the College’s Year. Activities are still being affected by the need for ongoing Covid-19 precautions. As we go into winter and the traditional cold & flu season these precautions become even more important. Thank you for your co-operation and patience.
Congratulations to students who represented Penola Catholic College at the SACCSS Swimming Carnival held on Tuesday 29 March at Melbourne Sports and Aquatics Centre.
Thank you for your support of the Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews. This term we provide an opportunity for face-to-face interviews or virtually through Microsoft Teams. These interviews are a vital part of the learning process. When parents take an active interest in their child’s learning, student engagement in learning increases greatly. These interviews are a great opportunity to meet your child’s teachers, hear about progress and work together to support your child’s learning. Thanks to all who booked interviews and engaged in the process.
On Tuesday 4 April we will undertake the annual House Athletics at the Broadmeadows Campus. I would like to take the time to outline our expectations with regards to these events. When students and families sign up for a place at Penola Catholic College they agree to the whole package and do not get to choose which parts of the package they will participate in. Attendance is compulsory at all whole school functions including the Athletics Carnival. If your son or daughter is going to be absent on any of these days, could you please ask them to come and see me! There will be follow-up of all absences on this day.
There are some students and families believe that the Athletics Carnival is not a valuable activity and may condone the absence of their son(s) or daughter(s) from the Athletics Carnival. This is most concerning to me as I believe that students should be involved with all aspects of College life, not just the one’s that they enjoy or want to do. As a school, we will make contact with the students who are unexplained absences from the Athletics Carnival. Each student and family has signed up for the whole package and I believe that whole school activities are important and that each student should attend.
The College will present our Easter Liturgy on Wednesday morning 6 April, period 1 on the Junior campus and period 3 on the Senior campus through a version of Stations of the Cross. I am asking all staff and students to wear a mask for these liturgies so as to minimise the risk of COVID transmission given that approximately 550 people will be in the Gym at the Glenroy campus and over 1150 people at the Senior Campus.
As most of you are aware, Friday 8 April is a student free day to provide time for our staff to provide feedback for our self-reflection for our School Review which will take place on 13 & 14 July. This day will enable all College staff to provide evidence for our ratings of the self-assessment rubrics. As part of this process, MACS provide rubrics for each of the 5 sphere areas of:
- Student Wellbeing
- Learning and Teaching
- Religious Dimension
- Leadership and Management
- Community
Classes resume on Tuesday 26 April. Until then, I wish all students and families a relaxing and safe holiday. Happy Easter to all!
Parent Teacher Student Partnership Meetings – Thursday, 7 April
Given that these interviews take place on Thursday 7 April from 3.00pm – 5.30pm and 6.30pm – 8.30pm onsite (face to face), I have listed below the MACS Parents and Carers on School Sites Guidelines which states Parents, carers and other adult visitors (excluding students who visit a school to complete a secondary school subject) who enter school buildings must have had two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine or have a valid medical exception. Parents and Carers will be requested to show their proof of their vaccination status when scanning in to the PTSPM meetings. I have allocated a maximum of 3 teachers per classroom rather than using the Gym’s and the Centre to make it safer from a COVID point of view. As a result, the Shortis, Smyth, Tenison-Woods and McCormack buildings will all be used on the Senior Campus as well as most of the Cameron classrooms at Glenroy.
Parents and Carers on School Sites Guidelines
We are aware that schools have received enquiries from parents and school community members regarding the requirement in the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) Parents and Carers on School Sites Guidelines that:
Parents, carers and other adult visitors attending a gathering at school, such as a fete, school play or other school ceremony, whether indoors or outdoors, need to show evidence of vaccination on arrival.
They are designed to help keep our students, staff and school communities safe while ensuring that schools can remain open, which we believe is in the best interests of students.
Penola Catholic College will continue to ensure that we are implementing the latest advice and guidance from the School Operations Guide and the Victorian Government.
We encourage all eligible members of our school community to get vaccinated.
In keeping our school safe, the intention is not to exclude members of our school community.
We know our school community flourishes with the continued involvement of parents and others in the community in the life of the school.
Raising Concerns
Penola Catholic College works in an educational partnership with parents for the benefit of all students. On entering into this partnership, families assume a number of important responsibilities which include: loyalty to the College community, a commitment to the College Mission statement and support of all College policies and expectations.
It is acknowledged that there may be occasions when parents wish to express concerns / make complaints regarding College matters. Parents are always encouraged to communicate with the relevant College personnel to discuss their concerns.
The College is always available to assist parents through discussion in developing a clearer understanding of College expectations in all areas.
Parents are required to express their concerns in a calm and respectful manner towards all staff who may be involved. On presenting the concern the family must be able to be identified. Any anonymous concerns or complaints cannot be satisfactorily investigated as the College would be unable to confirm them as genuine.
In having specific concerns / complaints addressed we recommend that initial contact be made with the relevant College personnel in the order below:
- Curriculum Matters: Subject Teacher, Head of Learning, Deputy Principal of Learning & Teaching
- Student’s Academic: Subject Teacher, Year Level Co-ordinators, Deputy Principal Head of Campus
- Student Wellbeing Matters: Homeroom Teacher, Year Level Co-ordinators, College Psychologists/Youth Worker, Deputy Principal Head of Campus
- General Student Behaviour: Homeroom Teacher, Year Level Co-ordinators, Deputy Principal Head of Campus
- College Policies: Deputy Principal Head of Campus
- Staff: Deputy Principal Head of Campus
- Off Campus Incidents: Deputy Principal Head of Campus
- Financial: Business Manager
In all cases where the matter cannot be satisfactorily resolved, parents are encouraged to contact the College Principal.
An Easter Prayer
Good and gracious God,
Our most glorious Creator,
As we greet the signs in nature around us:
Of Autumn once again regaling us in a myriad of colours,
In the songs of returning birds and fields soon to be planted,
We give you praise for an even greater sign of new life: the resurrection of your Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ, that we especially celebrate at this time.
The sadness and despair of his death has given way to the bright promise of immortality.
For the Resurrection is our guarantee that justice will triumph over treason, Light will overcome darkness, and love will conquer death.
As we celebrate, we also dare to ask for your grace that we may live the promise given to us,
By imitating the life of Jesus in reaching out to the poor, the marginalized, the least among us,
As we strive to be neighbour to all those we meet,
We ask your special blessings each and every day on our Prime Minister.
Working with him may we strive to make this great country of ours a beacon of hope and justice in a world hungry for peace and so in need of your love.
We praise you in this Easter season. Change our lives, change our hearts to be messengers of Easter joy and hope.
We make our prayer through Jesus Christ, our risen Lord forever.