From the Principal - Ms Tracey Kift Vol 1

Deputy Principal Senior Campus - Ms Erin Bonavia Vol 1

Welcome to the 2025 school year! A special welcome to the new students who have joined us on the Senior Campus this year.

As we approach the end of a full month back at school there has already been a range of learning, co-curricular, and school community events. As always, students are continued to make the most of the wonderful opportunities at the College and strive for their personal best.

Yard supervision
A reminder to families that the Senior Campus has teacher supervision in the school yard from 8.15am. Students can access their locker areas from 8.30am, ready to be seated in Homeroom commencing at 8:40am. Students arriving at school between 7:30am and 8:15am are to please make their way to the ERC. The ERC is supervised until 4.30pm . Students remaining on site at the end of the school day are to please make their way to the ERC.

The Resilience Project
We are proud to be continuing our work with The Resilience Project, an evidence based whole school wellbeing program. Our staff recently completed professional learning to continue to build skills to facilitate activities that promote gratitude, empathy, mindfulness and emotional literacy. GEM chats are a great way for us all to practices the key principles The Resilience Project. Here are some suggestions on how families may like to practice gratitude.

Deputy Principal Junior Campus - Liviana Daniele Vol 1

To all our families and staff at our Junior Campus a sincere welcome to the school year of 2025.

The beginning to our 2025 year has certainly been busy. The first day of school at the Junior Campus all staff and the Year 8 students welcomed our new Year 7 students. We had the opportunity to have a combined campus assembly where our Year 7 students of 2025 were presented to our Junior Campus.

After being very busy making new friends, getting to know their teachers, becoming familiar with a secondary school timetable, and trying to navigate life as a high school student the Year 7s have certainly found their place at Penola. Here are what some students had to say:

“My first day was great the teachers were very helpful and they made sure that students were cared for properly especially as everything was new to us”
Khadeejah R, 7B

“It took some time to get used to our new daily schedule but it got easier as the days went on. I am enjoying high school more than I had expected. The teachers are really nice, and the classes have been fun to be in.” Anishka J, 7A

“I went to my first swimming carnival it was really fun, loved being with my friends, talking, laughing and swimming it was truly a great day.” Pearla A 7H

”The Fitness works incursion was really fun it helped us work in teams and cooperate with other students. It was a good way to get to know other students.”
Steven K, 7H

The Year 7 students also have had their first incursion relating to building relationships. During their ‘Fitness Works’ sessions on February 26 the Year 7s showed resilience participating with enthusiasm in the activities that promoted making new connections. I look forward to seeing them continue their journey as Penola students.

Our Year 8 students have also returned to school ready to learn and to participate in their second year of high school. There have been many Year 8 students who already know some of the incoming Year 7s and have offered them friendship and familiarity in a new school. Our Year 8 student leaders have been very influential in creating an environment that promotes inclusiveness and community for all students at the Junior Campus.

Some of our Year 8 students have also participated in our first school tour for 2025. They were complimented by primary students and their families on their presentation and public speaking skills. They certainly demonstrated what is means to be a Penola student. These students were Kai H, Ed M, Laura B, Eva D, Genevieve A, Finn H, Lucy M, and Ava C. Congratulations to these students!

In the coming weeks student leaders will be elected these positions include Class Captains and Penola Student Council members. If your child is interested in leadership, please encourage them to speak to their homeroom teacher and year level coordinators.

Upcoming Events
Next Wednesday at our Opening Mass held on the Senior Campus our Year 7 students will process into our sports and activity hall where they will be presented for the first time to our entire Penola Catholic College community. Students will need to be dropped off at the Senior Campus then all students will be bused back to the Junior Campus at the conclusion of the Mass. Students who use the Greenvale bus will be dropped off at the Senior Campus in the morning.

Family Partnership Meetings are scheduled to take place on March 13 for our Year 7 and 8 students. This is a prime opportunity for teachers, students and their families to share information that will enhance and support your child’s learning. The students will be dismissed at lunchtime please note there will be on Greenvale Bus service for the afternoon.

We look forward to seeing all our new families at our annual welcome dinner on March 21 at the Junior Campus.

On march 18-21 Year 7 reflection days will take place they will be held at the Hope Centre in Glenroy. Another opportunity for students to build relationships with their teachers and their peers.

Looking forward to another eventful year ahead.

Deputy Principal Faith and Mission - Vince Iannuzzi Vol 1

As we embark on a new school year, we are inspired by our 2025 College theme, "Never see a need without doing something about it." This powerful Josephite tenet captures communication between Fr Julian Tenison Woods and St Mary of the Cross MacKillop that calls us to action, encouraging us to be people of faith who respond in a Josephite way with compassion and service. To bring this theme to life in a creative way, we have launched a student competition to capture images that will be used to design this year’s College banner. We look forward to seeing the artistic expressions of our students as they reflect on what this theme means to them.

On February 14, our Year 12 Reflection Day took place at the Plenty Ranges Convention Centre in South Morang. It was a special time for students to pause, reflect, and unite as a cohort as they prepare for their final year of schooling. The theme for Year 12, "Launch into the Deep," was drawn from the Gospel of St Luke, where Jesus tells Peter to cast his nets into deeper waters. This scripture passage reminds us that God calls us beyond our comfort zones, inviting us to trust in His plan and embrace new challenges with courage and faith.

A beautiful expression of our faith life at Penola has been the Faith Corner youth group, led by Jwana Sona College Christian Services captain as well as the faith and Mission team. As a group, Faith Corner has gathered on Monday lunchtimes in Mannes House to talk and learn about the Catholic Faith. Furthermore, the College community has gathered frequently in the to read and unpack Scripture, pray the Rosary, and grow in faith together. We are also blessed to host Fr Sam Pearson from the Church of the Good Shepherd in Gladstone Park, who shares his wisdom and encouragement with our students. The Rosary has been recited in both our Glenroy and Broadmeadows chapels, bringing our school community together in prayer and reflection.

On Saturday 15 February, the College captains, Cong Pham and Katia Almeida travelled to Sydney with myself and took part of a leadership formation event along with other Josephite leaders and teachers. We were formed in leadership, public speaking, current issues facing the world today, Catholic Social Teaching Principles and Prayer and Liturgy. We prayed at the tomb of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop in North Sydney. The students took time to share their own faith and leadership journeys and networked across their schools.

As a faith community, we are now moving into the season of Lent, a time of prayer, reflection, and renewal. Our journey will be marked by acts of service, prayer, and fasting as we prepare our hearts for Easter. A significant moment in our Lenten journey will be the Opening College Mass, where we will gather as a school to celebrate the Eucharist with Bishop Ramirez. This Mass will be a time of blessing and unity as we entrust the year ahead to God’s guidance.

Wednesday 19th March is the feast of St Joseph. St Mary of the Cross MacKillop had a deep devotion to St Joseph, the protector of the Holy Family. St Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus and husband of Mary, is a powerful example of faith, humility, and trust in God’s plan. Though little is recorded about him in Scripture, his actions speak volumes—he was a protector, a provider, and a man of deep righteousness. As a carpenter, he showed the dignity of work, and as a father, he guided Jesus with love and wisdom.

Honored as the Patron of the Universal Church, St Joseph teaches us to serve humbly, trust deeply, and act with quiet strength. Fr Sam Pearson will celebrate the College Community Mass on March 19 at 7.30am in the chapel at the Junior Campus. Senior Students who attend will be bussed back to the Senior Campus once the Mass concludes. The broader College community is invited to attend.

May we continue to live out our faith in action, always seeking to make a difference in the lives of others.

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, pray for us

St Joseph, pray for us

And may we always remember, to pray for one another.

2025 College Production

The wait is over, and the magic is about to begin! We are thrilled to announce the official cast list for our production of Beauty and the Beast! After incredible auditions, we have assembled a spectacular group of students who will bring this beloved tale to life with their talent, dedication, and passion for the stage.

A huge congratulations to everyone who auditioned—this show is going to be magnifique! Now, without further ado, let’s meet the cast!

Lead Roles

Belle Ruby F
Beast Lachlan H
Gaston Mason H
Lefou Patrick C
Maurice Max W
Lumiere Lachy H
Cogsworth Patrick M
Mrs Potts Katia A
Chip Oliver G
Amelia P
Bianca T

Featured Roles
(All featured roles will also play Castle Staff & Dream Sequence Humans)

Old Beggar Woman/Enchantress Holly S
Les Filles La Ville #1
Juliet G
Les Filles La Ville #2
Giselle O
Les Filles La Ville #3
Isabella M
Baker/Monsieur D’Arque
Lucas P
Erica R

Featured Villagers
Chloe B
Isabelle C
Oliver G
Billy K
Maria L
Kayla L
Millie N
Wirrhena R

Gaston’s Cronies
Leo Conlan
Jordan D’silva
Hayden Goodfellow
Billy Karikis
Lucas Penno
Oliver Topouzakis
Kade Wheeler
Toby Young

Dance Troup
(Villagers, Wolves, Castle Staff & Dream Sequence Humans)

Gracie A
Daniella P
Sophie C
Holly S
Claire H
Kalliopi S
Aaliyah K
Isabella Z

(Villagers & Castle Staff, Additional Dream Sequence Humans will be cast in rehearsal)

Marlie A
Angelica O
Jayda Bone
Dianthi P
Leo C
Tiarna S
Jordan D
Oliver T
Angelina E
Tahlia T
Mackenzie F
Kiani W
Hayden G
Kade W
Hope G
Leah W
Alessandra L
Toby Y
Abigail M
Alexia Z

Swimming Carnival

Last week’s Swimming Carnival was an absolute highlight of the school calendar! With perfect weather, high energy, and plenty of competitive spirit, students dove into a day of thrilling races, exciting water games, and enthusiastic house chants.

From the freestyle sprints to the thrilling relays, competitors gave it their all, showcasing incredible skill and determination. The Year 12s stole the show with their creative and colorful costumes, adding an extra layer of fun and excitement to the event.

A massive congratulations to Nolan House, who swam, cheered, and raced their way to victory, securing the coveted 2025 Swimming Carnival trophy! Their team spirit and dedication were truly inspiring.

A big well done to all students who participated, whether in the pool or on the sidelines, cheering their hearts out. Your enthusiasm and sportsmanship made the day unforgettable.

Until next year—keep swimming, keep cheering, and keep the house spirit alive!


There’s plenty happening in the Careers Office this term, with great opportunities for students to gain valuable experience and qualifications. Here’s what’s coming up:

Year 10 Work Experience – 16-20 June

Year 10 students will be heading out for Work Experience from 16-20 June, gaining firsthand insight into the workforce and exploring future career pathways. If you’re still looking for a placement, now is the time to secure one!

Calling Our Penola Community! If you or someone you know can offer a Year 10 student a work experience opportunity, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact Jen Doan at

White Card Session – Late April

For students planning to work on a domestic or commercial building site, we are offering a White Card training session in late April. This is a mandatory requirement for anyone working in construction.

To secure a spot, please email Maria Rullo at

Careers Centre – Opening Hours

The Penola Careers Centre is open for appointments during the following times:

Monday: 8.30am – 4.30pm
Tuesday: 8.30am – 4.30pm
Wednesday: 10.00am – 4.30pm
Thursday: 8.30am – 4.30pm
Friday: 8.30am – 3.00pm

Appointments are essential, and we ask students to please wait for a response from the Careers Practitioner, as we may be busy assisting others during your requested time.

Stay tuned for more career events, university info sessions, and pathway opportunities throughout the year! If you have any questions, drop by the Careers Office we’re here to help!

Performing Arts

Discover Your Passion for Dance and Music in 2025!

Penola Catholic College is thrilled to offer exciting Dance and Instrumental Music programs in 2025, open to students eager to pursue their creative talents outside of regular studies.

Our Dance Program, led by a trained instructor, focuses on developing technique and exploring a variety of dance styles. Students will learn and perfect routines throughout the year, showcasing their skills in a semester-end performance.

For those with a passion for music, our Instrumental Music Program offers the chance to learn and perform with woodwind, brass, and string instruments. This full-year commitment provides the perfect opportunity to hone your musical abilities and collaborate with peers in an inspiring environment.

Don’t miss out on the chance to express yourself, build confidence, and create unforgettable memories. Join us in 2025 to be part of the magic!

For more information, contact Ms Jasinta Savage.

Camps, Sports & Excursion Fund (CSEF) 2025

Holders of current concession cards as of 28th January 2025 may be eligible for funding from the Camp, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) of $256 per child attending Penola. These funds are placed on family school fees accounts.

Families who successfully applied for the CSEF for students attending the College last year (2024) will have their application rolled over to 2025.

Please complete a new application if:

  • You have a new student entering the College in 2025
  • You now hold a current concession card and did not receive CSEF in 2024.
  • You have a student who had enrolled after June 2024 and have a HCC
  • If your child is 16 and over and holds a personal HCC

The CSEF program for 2025 closes on Friday 27 June 2025 no applications can be processed after this.

Click here for more information.

      2027 Enrolments

      Do you have a child starting Year 7 in 2027 or know a family interested in joining Penola Catholic College? Now is the time to apply!

      • Friday 16 August Applications close
      • Friday 17 October Letters of Offer will be sent to families
      • Friday 7 November Final date for families to accept offer from College.

      We look forward to welcoming new students and families into our wonderful school community. If you have a younger sibling ready to start or know someone considering Penola, we encourage you to apply early to secure a place.

      Visit our website to book a tour or to complete an online enrolment form. We can’t wait to welcome the next group of Penola students!

      Easter Egg Collection

      Ordering School Photos

      Ordering of school photos after photo day - If paying online after a photo day for your class/portraits, online orders are open via The School Photographer website for you to make payment A late fee applies for all orders placed after the bulk issue of School Photos are delivered.

      Phone Payments – Please call directly on 9674 9824 - Order over the phone via credit card payments. (Note – there is a processing fee of $5 for all phone order payments) CHEQUES ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTED DUE TO A CHANGE IN BANK POLICY.

      Order codes:

      • Broadmeadows students : X3079VC51P
      • Glenroy students: X3080VC51P

      Ph. 02 9674 9824

      Please note students are issued with a current ID card annually and this must be carried at all times should this be misplaced or lost students must replace the card at their own cost (from $10.00).

      Community News