As we embark on a new school year, we are inspired by our 2025 College theme, "Never see a need without doing something about it." This powerful Josephite tenet captures communication between Fr Julian Tenison Woods and St Mary of the Cross MacKillop that calls us to action, encouraging us to be people of faith who respond in a Josephite way with compassion and service. To bring this theme to life in a creative way, we have launched a student competition to capture images that will be used to design this year’s College banner. We look forward to seeing the artistic expressions of our students as they reflect on what this theme means to them.
On February 14, our Year 12 Reflection Day took place at the Plenty Ranges Convention Centre in South Morang. It was a special time for students to pause, reflect, and unite as a cohort as they prepare for their final year of schooling. The theme for Year 12, "Launch into the Deep," was drawn from the Gospel of St Luke, where Jesus tells Peter to cast his nets into deeper waters. This scripture passage reminds us that God calls us beyond our comfort zones, inviting us to trust in His plan and embrace new challenges with courage and faith.
A beautiful expression of our faith life at Penola has been the Faith Corner youth group, led by Jwana Sona College Christian Services captain as well as the faith and Mission team. As a group, Faith Corner has gathered on Monday lunchtimes in Mannes House to talk and learn about the Catholic Faith. Furthermore, the College community has gathered frequently in the to read and unpack Scripture, pray the Rosary, and grow in faith together. We are also blessed to host Fr Sam Pearson from the Church of the Good Shepherd in Gladstone Park, who shares his wisdom and encouragement with our students. The Rosary has been recited in both our Glenroy and Broadmeadows chapels, bringing our school community together in prayer and reflection.
On Saturday 15 February, the College captains, Cong Pham and Katia Almeida travelled to Sydney with myself and took part of a leadership formation event along with other Josephite leaders and teachers. We were formed in leadership, public speaking, current issues facing the world today, Catholic Social Teaching Principles and Prayer and Liturgy. We prayed at the tomb of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop in North Sydney. The students took time to share their own faith and leadership journeys and networked across their schools.
As a faith community, we are now moving into the season of Lent, a time of prayer, reflection, and renewal. Our journey will be marked by acts of service, prayer, and fasting as we prepare our hearts for Easter. A significant moment in our Lenten journey will be the Opening College Mass, where we will gather as a school to celebrate the Eucharist with Bishop Ramirez. This Mass will be a time of blessing and unity as we entrust the year ahead to God’s guidance.
Wednesday 19th March is the feast of St Joseph. St Mary of the Cross MacKillop had a deep devotion to St Joseph, the protector of the Holy Family. St Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus and husband of Mary, is a powerful example of faith, humility, and trust in God’s plan. Though little is recorded about him in Scripture, his actions speak volumes—he was a protector, a provider, and a man of deep righteousness. As a carpenter, he showed the dignity of work, and as a father, he guided Jesus with love and wisdom.
Honored as the Patron of the Universal Church, St Joseph teaches us to serve humbly, trust deeply, and act with quiet strength. Fr Sam Pearson will celebrate the College Community Mass on March 19 at 7.30am in the chapel at the Junior Campus. Senior Students who attend will be bussed back to the Senior Campus once the Mass concludes. The broader College community is invited to attend.
May we continue to live out our faith in action, always seeking to make a difference in the lives of others.
St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, pray for us
St Joseph, pray for us
And may we always remember, to pray for one another.