Resilience Planner
Each student has received a College planner which is a valuable resource. The planner allows students to record all homework and assessment tasks as well as general study, supporting essential organisation and time management. Good organisational skills can help to reduce stress especially at peak times when many tasks are due. In addition, the planner is a resource of information of the College rules and expectations and general school information. Throughout the planner you will notice useful tips and prompts from The Resilience Project which students will be referred to by their class teachers along with the weekly pastoral lesson material. I urge all students to please take their planner to each class, record all homework, study and due work as well as check the planner at home each night. Asking to see your child’s planner and discussing what homework they have, and what tasks are coming up, can support optimal use of the planner.
With the introduction of The Resilience Project, all students from 7-12 received a Resilience Project planner. The planner has all The Resilience Project lessons which homeroom teachers will discuss throughout the year. In addition to this the planner has daily reflections and activities based around the project’s key ideas of Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (G.E.M). These will enable students to monitor how they are each day and practice the key messages emerging from the Resilience Project. Please click here to watch a video that was produced for students by The Resilience Project:
Homework vs Study
A new initiative for the college this year is the inclusion of a study column.
Throughout this year students are being taught the difference between home vs study where homework is teacher directed, while study is student directed. We will also be giving some key tips to the students on the benefits of study and different ways you can study.