During Year 9 Art in Semester One this year and as part of an Indigenous focus in the curriculum, Students undertook a pottery task following in the style of The Hermannsburg Potters.
The Hermannsburg Potters bring the vibrant landscape and spirit of Central Australia to life with their hand-crafted terracotta and underglaze pots. Taking inspiration from the Australian bush, the Potters depict family, birds, animals, bush tucker, mission days, stories of Country and life in Ntaria (Hermannsburg) which is based at the remote foothills of the MacDonnell Ranges, 130 kilometres west of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory.
Students were asked to create a sculptured pot in their chosen style. They were to choose an Australian landscape and an Australian native animal to paint on the outside of the pot. Their chosen animal was then sculptured and attached to the lid of the pot.
Students successfully used a coiling technique and terracotta clay to build their pots. They then painted the landscape and lid with acrylic paint.
A significantly beautiful collection of pots was created by our students. Congratulations to all!
Ms Francesca Pascalis
Visual Art Teacher