Debate Teams
Here at Penola Catholic College students are encouraged to participate in a wide range of co-curricular activities. Our students often report how important these opportunities are and how much positivity they add to the vibrant Penola educational experience. We extend our gratitude to Mrs Maria Alberto for her dedication and generosity in coaching our debating teams.
Please read Mrs Alberto’s reflection below.
I am proud to report that two of Penola’s debate teams competed in the preliminary round of the Victorian debating finals. While Penola did not walk away with a victory, our students are to be commended for presenting sophisticated arguments, developing effective rebuttals and, overall, putting up a good fight!
The Year 9s competed against Carey Grammar and argued that video games are harmful to children. They prepared thoroughly and it was impressive to hear the facts and statistics they uncovered in their research.
The Year 11s competed against St Mary’s Grammar and were presented with the secret topic only one hour before the debate. The students argued that ‘offensive art should be banned’ and were able to construct a strong line in defence of children’s innocence.
I would like to acknowledge and congratulate the students who competed:
- Alisha Neupane
- Isla Rousakis
- Carlos Bedaweed
- Joulia Youkhana
- James Jorgensen
- Larissa Kimungui
The students’ strong performance reflected the effort and dedication they have demonstrated throughout the year. They have committed to weekly lunchtime meetings, training sessions and have competed in five earlier rounds which were all held outside of school hours. This should instil a great sense of pride within the students themselves, and within the whole Penola community.
It has been a joy to witness students grow in confidence and skill through the competition. I encourage them all to continue with this activity next year, and hope that we also see many new faces on the Penola team.
Mrs Alberto
Thank you to all parents and students who attended our virtual VCAL Information Night. Lead by our Head of VCAL, Mr Daniel Catoggio, and supported by our Careers and VET Coordinator- Mr Terry McGann specific queries in relation to applied learning and vocational education were addressed. Our Principal, Mr Chris Caldow and Acting Head of Campus, Mrs Liviana Daniele also discussed funding for courses and the expected learning attributes required to engage in classes at the Broadmeadows Campus, TAFE requirements and work placement. All VCAL applications must be submitted no later than Sunday 5 September.
Year 12 Trial Examinations
Year 12 Trial Examinations were scheduled for the second week of the forthcoming term break, however, given the current lockdown restrictions these will likely take place during Week 1 of Term 4. Students will have the benefit of additional time in the lead up to this important assessment experience. Trial examinations allow students to identify areas of strength and areas requiring further development. Armed with feedback from subject teachers, students will be able to adjust their revision program to suit their needs. Additionally, pending health advice, we may be in a position to conduct outstanding SACs during Week 2 of the term break. Students will be advised of specific details in due course.