NAPLAN Coordinated Practice Test
Recently, the Year 7 and Year 9 Students participated in the Coordinated Practice Test. The students were able to familiarise themselves with the NAPLAN Online test platform by completing the Writing and Omnibus tests. Our students are now more familiar with the testing process and the different types of questions in preparation for NAPLAN tests which begin on May 10 and conclude on May 20. Please note that the practice tests provide an opportunity for schools to confirm they are ready to undertake NAPLAN from a technical and administrative perspective. Students do not receive results for the Coordinated Practice Test.
In advance of taking NAPLAN Online, students, teachers and parents are invited to use the public demonstration tests to familiarise themselves with the type of questions and related functionalities available in the NAPLAN Online assessment.
Some of the key features include a range of question types, onscreen tools, timers and interactive navigation. Students are encouraged to try all the tests for their year level to practise the complete range of question formats available in the online assessment.
For more information
- Watch the video NAPLAN Accessibility (6m 12s), where students, parents/carers and teachers talk about the benefits of NAPLAN Online.
- See frequently asked questions about NAPLAN Online
- Access the Public demonstration site
Parent Teacher Student Progress Meetings
Partnering with families is one of the most powerful ways to promote a sense shared common goals in a child’s learning journey. Connecting with families is of vital importance to Penola staff as we discuss and reflect on students’ school experience thus far. As you are planning to meet with your child’s teachers, please prepare some questions you may wish to ask and review the academic feedback on MyPenola. In addition, please share with staff any information that may assist us to support your son/daughter with their learning. We look forward to meeting with as many parents as possible on in person on April 7.