
Japan-Australia Online Exchange Program at Junior Campus
On the 22nd of February 2022, My Japanese CLIL class participated in an online exchange with a Japanese class from Ryuukai Junior High School in Okazaki learning English. The experience was interesting as the Japanese students were pronouncing English words rather fluently. My group presented first from Penola. I hope they enjoyed the experience as much as I did. I really enjoyed this experience and can’t wait to do it again in the coming weeks.
Michael S (8J)

Le maschere
During Il Carnevale which takes place a Venezia, there are streets full of people wearing masks and attending different events. Wearing these masks allows gli italiani to protect their identity and remove any differences. When wearing la maschera, carnival goers are free to be whoever they want to be. Le maschere can be hand made or store bought. Some people dress up super fancy and have very fancy masks, while others just dress in normal clothes and just wear the masks without any costume. Our class was supposed to make le maschere during Languages Week however we were so excited and wanted to make them now so our teacher allowed us. We had a really good time making them and being very creative with our maschere. We decided to have a class competition but it was very hard to choose a winner as they were all very good. Our class could also make a connection to Italia as Carnevale is taking place now before ASH Wednesday.
Juliet G (7E)
