From the Principal - Mr Chris Caldow Vol 16

Student Free Days this Term

Monday 31 October is a Student-Free Day to allow staff time for planning, preparation, assessment of student learning, collaboration, curriculum planning and professional learning. This day will be student free for both campuses. I recognise that this creates an imposition on families and thank you in advance for your ongoing support as we strive to improve student outcomes.

Friday 25 November is a Student-Free Day for all our students. This will allow our Senior students (Years 9 - 11) a small break between finishing exams and commencing their Headstart program and allow our staff to have a correction day to finalise grades. It also allows all our Junior Campus staff time for correction and report writing of the end of year reports.

Our current Years 8-11 students will be involved in their 2023 Headstart program at the Senior Campus from Monday 28 November to Thursday 1 December. Our current Year 7 students will remain at the Glenroy Campus but will commence their 2023 Headstart program from Monday 28 November to Thursday 1 December.

Year 12 Graduation Dinner
The Year 12 Graduation Dinner will occur on Monday 21 November, 2022. There has been some confusion regarding the date, but this is definitely the confirmed date. I look forward to seeing as many Year 12 students and their parents/guardians at the Dinner to celebrate the Class of 2022.

Written Examinations for VCE Unit 3&4 subjects commenced on Wednesday 26 October and will finish on Wednesday 16 November. Year 11 exams start on Wednesday 16 November and will conclude on Wednesday 23 November. Year 10 exams start on Thursday 17 November and will conclude on Thursday 24 November. Year 9 exams start on Monday 21 November and finish on Thursday 24 November.

We begin our Headstart program on Monday 28 November which will run for four days. This will literally be the start of our 2023 school year for these students and will provide students with a better understanding of their subjects, assessment and holiday homework to be completed. It should also reduce the number of subject changes for students at the beginning of the 2023 school year.

Year 10 Ball – Friday 21 October
The Year 10 Ball is one of my favourite events in our Calendar as it provides an opportunity for our parents to see their sons and daughters interacting with others and enjoying themselves. It also allows us as staff members to see some of our students in a different light as they present themselves in a different way to the way in which they may present in the classroom. My thanks to the staff who attended on the night, our Year 10 PE staff who assisted in teaching the dancing, Ms Rosa Lucarelli, Mr Deveraj Kumar and Ms Michelle Galati for their assistance with the dancing and, in particular, to Mr Steve Woodburn and Ms Emily Hastie for all of their organisation of the event. My favourite part of the night is always the Father-Daughter and Mother-Son dance where all enjoy the experience!

Student Leadership Camp
Fortunately, this year we were able to take away over 55 students for a Student Leadership Camp which was held at Don Bosco camp in Dromana on Friday 7 October – Sunday 9 October. This gave our 2023 Student Leaders an opportunity to develop their leadership skills and give some thought about initiatives and changes that they would like to implement in 2023. Thanks to Miss Elizabeth Perkins for her organisation of the camp and to Erin Bonavia, Kate Chislett, Dyson Bell-Warren, Maria Mancuso, Letesha Ruberto and Natalie Presutti for accompanying our leaders on this camp.

Year 7 Enrolments 2024
A reminder to all our existing families that Year 7 enrolments for 2024 closed on Friday 19 August. Letters of offer have been sent to those families who have completed the enrolment process last week. Several of our families applied after the close of enrolment last year and it makes it very difficult to accurately plan for the following year, so I ask that you submit your enrolment as soon as possible. Often families assume that we know that there is a younger sibling, but I would be very disappointed if one of our existing families missed out on an enrolment due to not submitting their enrolment in a timely manner.

VCE Building Update
Significant progress is being made with the VCE building with 95% of all concreting completed, 60% construction of structural steel, roofing is ready to commence on the southern first floor and wall framing commenced on the northern side ground and first floors. Lock up is scheduled for 15 February 2023 and an estimated completion date in May 2023 at this stage. All very exciting!

Farewell to Year 12 students
As our Year 12 students completed their formal classes with us last week and begin their written exams this week it is fitting that we pay tribute to them in this, their final newsletter, before their final exams finish. For all of our Year 12 students, their behavior was impeccable throughout the final week where they completed a range of activities included a College Assembly where they were farewelled by all staff and students, their Year 12 breakfast and dress up morning and the Graduation Mass. We take this time to reflect on their contribution and achievements over the past six years and celebrate the conclusion of their secondary education.

I take this opportunity of firstly thanking our two College Captains, Angus Drenen and Jordan Gioskos for their leadership of the student body over 2022. Both of these young people have worked very hard and have made a wonderful contribution this year. I also thank all of the other Year 12 students who have held positions of leadership for their contribution to our Penola community.

I have recently spoken at a Year 12 assembly to highlight to the students the importance of remaining focused on study in the coming weeks as they approach their examinations. I also highlighted the importance of safety in the post examination celebratory period and to look out for each other during this time to avoid any unpleasant or dangerous incidents. I encourage parents and guardians to discuss this with their children if they are going away with others to celebrate.

I encourage the Year 12 students to become active in the Penola Collegians Association next year so that they may maintain strong links with the College community into the future. I wish all the Year 12 students every grace and blessing for their future and wish them well in the upcoming examination period.

I am sure that all members of our community will keep our Year 12 students in their prayers over the next few weeks. I have included below an excerpt from my speech at the Graduation Mass

“As parents, family members and staff members there are, no doubt, many things that we would like to say to you, our graduating students, as you prepare to leave the college and embark on the journey of adulthood. Our hearts are filled with hopes and prayers for you, and indeed some fears and anxieties as well. I would like to share several of those hopes with you.

We hope that you will be people filled with joy. Life is full of many wonderful gifts. May you recognise in these gifts the spirit of our gracious and loving God. With great joy, may you be able to place your trust and hope in God.

We hope that you will be people filled with love. May you be able to share the gift of yourself with others and as you do so, be able to grow in self-understanding and acceptance. Out most basic human need is to love and to be loved in return. It is difficult to love those who are selfish and totally self-centered. As parents I thank you tonight for the privilege of educating your sons and daughters and congratulate you on your insight in working with the College to promote Christian values.

We hope that you will be people filled with peace and that you will be peacemakers. Our world is crying out desperately for peace. Peacemakers seek to transform the world. May you use your energy, talents, skills and most of all, your imagination, to create such a world.

We hope that you will be people filled with courage. To be courageous is to be true to yourself. We pray that in all situations in your lives you will be true to your human dignity as people created in the image and likeness of a loving God. We pray that you will be true to the ideals and values of the Christian faith, the faith in which you have been nurtured within your family, your schools and parishes.

We hope that you will be people filled with compassion. To be compassionate is to journey with those who suffer or who are in need. Like Saint Mary MacKillop, our College patron, may you never see a need without doing something about it. May you recognise the great injustices in our world and be fired with a burning zeal to make the world a better place.”

I know this is an exciting time, but it is also a scary one. The future can be uncertain. Your story has not yet been written, so embrace the uncertainty. University or TAFE is great but trust me, it's not for everyone. One of the benefits of uncertainty and change is the myriad of opportunities it provides. Who would have thought when I left school that there would be web designers, social media editors or mobile phone sellers!

To parents and family members, I say thank you for the privilege of allowing us to share in the lives of these young women and young men. We thank you for the trust you have placed in us. I congratulate you for the work that you have done as parents and care-givers in raising such wonderful young people. To those families of Year 12 students who this year will conclude their association with Penola, I thank you for your commitment to Catholic Education and for your support of Penola Catholic College over many years. May you continue to be blessed in the important role than you play as parents and guardians.

Finally, to the students I would like to finish by reminding you who you are. You are Penola people and you have been educated at a College which has respected you. You have come from families that have loved you unconditionally. As you move into the next stage of your life travel the journey with confidence in the spirit of Jesus Christ and Saint Mary MacKillop.

For me Term 4 is the beginning of something wonderful: Spring, new journeys and for all those who love Christmas it is the beginning of the countdown to Advent. As the end of the year approaches for the students, it is important to savour the experiences of these final few weeks at school. Taking the time to laugh with friends, enjoy the warmth of the approaching summer sun, the fragrance of the blooming blossoms and to remember how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful city. This term we will be focusing on offering thanks and goodwill to not just God within prayer, but amongst the teachers and the students as a focus within religion classes. We hope that you have the opportunity, to stop in a beautiful park or on a sandy beach, and to lie down and look up at the wonderful sky that encompasses us. To take in its grandeur and simply say, ‘Thank you God for this wonderful gift of life and nature, I am eternally grateful’.

Spring Awakening by Lily Baker

Spring is the magical time

When the rainbow lorikeets hum and the honey suckles Blossom,

When I actively bounce down the sand dunes

And onto the pea green grass,

The waratahs and the wattles bloom,

And my heart opens to the riot of spring.

I love this time when everything comes to life,

Nature triumphs in the trees, swaying freely in the wind,

Stealing my train of thought

And making my imagination run wild.

I am inspired by this heavenly kingdom,

The tranquility of dew droplets falling,


The mastery of the rain.

I feel connected.

Tree sap trickles down the bark of native gum trees

I examine this, calmly, curiously.

Sometimes the wind whispers to me at dusk

Giving me confidence within my body

I promise

I will always make the most of springtime.
