Mothers’ Day Breakfast
Last Friday, 7th May, we celebrated our College Mothers’ Day Mass at 7.20 am, prior to our annual Mothers’ Day breakfast. It was truly wonderful to have a number of our Mothers and students come along to our Mass and celebrate the Eucharist together. All mothers, grandmothers and those who fulfill mother-like guardian roles are very special to us all. The love, nurturing, care, guidance, and protection that all mothers give unconditionally to their children and families, often at the sacrifice of their own needs, is truly sacred. As a Catholic community, honouring the occasion by sharing in the Eucharist together was a truly wonderful way of celebrating the beauty of motherhood and thanking God for the wonderful gift that they are. During Mass, all the mothers present and those viewing online via livestream, participated in a beautiful, symbolic ritual, where they were called to the altar and given a special blessing and white carnation, a fitting way to thank them for their love. We thank Fr Tony Cox, our College Chaplain, for his ever-willingness to celebrate mass for us and to all members of the Faith and Mission and Audio-visual teams for their assistance in preparing and presenting our Mass.
Last Chance to go in the draw for $250.00 off your Family’s School Fees
If you have not yet completed the Enhancing Catholic School Identity Survey (ECSI), then this your last chance!! You only have until Monday, 31st May to do so and be in the special running to win $250.00 off of your school fees for this year. All details of how to complete the survey are uploaded on Operoo for easy access. Please do not hesitate to call the school if you have any questions or assistance with completing the survey. We are more than willing to help.