As we continually battle through one of the toughest periods in our lifetimes, we know many of our extended Penola Catholic College community are quite ill at present. As such Fr Tony Cox, our College Chaplain has put together a short reflection that you might find consoling in this difficult time.
The Healing Hand
To our brothers and sisters who have contracted and are suffering due to the Corona Virus Pandemic, we pray that God’s healing hand may rest upon you.
To the medical doctors, nurses, supporting staff and the many volunteers who are in the front line of the fight against COVID-19, may the Lord sustain you and inspire you to render your life-saving services with due care, love and compassion.
To all those who have lost their loved ones, we convey our deepest sympathies.
We pray that their souls, through God’s mercy, may rest in eternal peace.
We pray that God may grant all bereaved families his consolation and strengthen their faith and hope in Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord.
“A light that shines in the dark, a light that darkness could not overpower.” (John 1.5.)
Loving, ever living and compassionate God, you understand the pain of loss, the heartache of bereavement,
May we hold in our heart all those whose families or friends have died.
You are a light that shines in the darkest times,
Guide us and heal us in our sickness and sorrow.
You comfort us in times of fear,
May we comfort each other, even as we keep apart.
You console and lead us in times of doubt and confusion,
May we follow the light of your love and spread hope.
You move our hearts to acts of generosity,
May we be led to share what we have with those in need.
God of life,
We thank you for the signs of your light in the midst of our darkness,
May we be signs of your compassion in the heart of your world.
At this time of Pandemic,
Let us foster respect and solidarity with others, especially those who are weak or poor.
Let us remain calm and ignore unsubstantiated rumours.
Let us take advantage of living together as a family.
Let us attend to moments of prayer.
Let us cultivate responsibility, patience and hope.
Amen (Prayer adapted: Bishop of La Verapaz, Guatemala, Rodolfo Valenzuela Nunez.)