Dear Parents and Caregivers,
While we wait for an announcement this Sunday from the Victorian Government, to indicate when students will return to onsite learning, I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all the students, families and staff for what has been a difficult term. Resilience is generally understood as the capacity of an individual, family, community or environment system to return the normative functioning after exposure to an atypical stressor.
This can definitely be true of our students, who in the main, have been resilient during this unprecedented pandemic. As adults we have struggled through working from home and so this in many respects can be magnified for our youth as they grapple with a constant changing landscape.
These holidays are therefore more important than ever for our Year 7 & 8 students to have some downtime away from their screens and getting some important exercise outside. Thank you to the staff and parents that have supported them this term and hopefully we will resume face to face classes in Term 4.
Have a restful break