As announced by our Premier Daniel Andrews yesterday we will be continuing in the remote learning space for the rest of the term. While this is not ideal, we know the students will be resilient in adapting to the continuation of remote learning and will be supported by staff.
National Child Protection Week
This year’s National Child Protection Week will take place from Sunday 5 September to Saturday 11 September. National Child Protection Week raises awareness about the community’s collective responsibility for the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people. For Catholic schools, this provides an opportunity to emphasise their strong commitment to the safety and wellbeing of young people in their care, and the important role they play in creating nurturing environments at school, online, at home and in the community.
The eSafety Commissioner have developed a series of activities for people of all ages to get involved
during National Child Protection Week, including:
- Tips for staying safe online during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Advice for parents and carers to help children have safe experiences online.
The Catholic Church in Australia will mark Safeguarding Sunday (formerly known as Child Protection
Sunday) on Sunday 12 September, 2021 at the conclusion of National Child Protection Week. A number of related resources for liturgical celebrations are available here.
Acknowledging Engaging Students
We will be acknowledging Year 7 and 8 students who have continued to work and remain engaged during the lockdown. Teachers will be nominating one student per class every week for the next 3 weeks. The names will go into a draw and 5 students will be drawn per year level every week and they will receive a $25 UberEats voucher. All of the nominated students will receive a certificate recognising their positive engagement.