Welcome back to Term 3. While the term began as normal we have unfortunately been placed into an extended lock down till next week, with the students hopefully returning to onsite learning on Wednesday the 28 July.
Academic Intervention Program
The Academic Intervention Program is a program that was introduced to the college in 2019 and will resume on Wednesday 28 July for the Glenroy Campus. The program assists students that have been identified as needing some extra assistance, based on their semester 1 report. The students will be required to attend a designated homework club on a Wednesday from 3:10 to 4:10 conducted by the campus wellbeing team.
During this time, students will have a conference from one of the leaders to discuss issues such as work ethic, attendance patterns, grades, areas for improvement, etc. in an effort to keeping the students more engaged with their studies. Students who have been identified were given a letter as well as sent a CareMonkey approval. The program is not meant to be seen as a punishment but an opportunity for the College to assist students in achieving their best.
College Uniform
Just a reminder that students are required to wear their College blazer to and from school in Terms 2 and 3. While students can wear the summer uniform they are not allowed to mix and match the winter and summer uniform or the college and sports uniform.