Welcome to Term 3. I hope the students had time to unwind during the break after a busy Term 2.
During the last week of Term 2 the students at the Glenroy Campus were involved in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths) week. On Friday each group chose one of the team’s projects which represented their weeks efforts. The presentations demonstrated the wonderful STEAM activities the students had designed and implemented over the 4 days. As STEAM is designed for students to be curious learners, they investigated chosen topics of interest in science, technology, engineering, art and maths to apply new skills and knowledge to a problem. Thank you to all the staff who designed and ran STEAM activities.
Academic Intervention
The Academic Intervention Program is designed to assist students that did not complete a number of assessment tasks across multiple subjects during Term 2. The new round of our Academic Intervention Program began on Wednesday, with a letter and Operoo notification sent home to those students involved.
Mobile Phones
As students are not permitted to use their mobile phones during the day; if parents need to deliver an urgent message to their child this can be communicated via the Glenroy Campus office.