Welcome to the 2022 school year. A warm welcome to all our new 2022 Year 7’s and their families to the Penola Catholic College community and we also welcome back our 2022 Year 8s. While the first couple of days may seem overwhelming, I hope that all our students have had a positive start and begun forging new relationships with both the staff and peers.
Uniform and School Photos
Students can wear the full college summer or winter uniform at any stage of the year. Penola Catholic College does require students to wear their college blazer as the outer garment Terms 2 & 3 and for formal occasions and school photos. Can I please remind families that school photos for the Glenroy Campus is on Wednesday 9 February and students will be required to wear the full school uniform including the college blazer.
Year 7 Information Night
Due to Covid restrictions our Year 7 Information Night on February 16 will take place online with Year 7 homeroom teaches holding a half-an-hour Teams meeting from 6.00pm. Families can then watch the vodcast that is posted on the Parent News section on MyPenola.
Year 7 and New Families Welcome Dinner
The welcome dinner that was scheduled for March 4 will be postponed till later in the year, as we currently can not hold large gatherings due to Covid safe policies placed on schools.
Dropping and Picking Up Students
Can I please ask that students are not dropped off or picked up by car directly outside the campus. Furthermore, to avoid congestion around the campus it is advantageous to have a designated spot in the neighbouring streets to pick up your child rather than in the streets that surround the Glenroy Campus.