I hope all families had a happy Easter. Overall, the senior campus students have made a positive start to Term 2.
On the first day back we commemorated ANZAC Day with a ceremony presented by our College student leaders. The level of respect shown by the students was terrific and wonderful to witness.
Re-set for Term 2
Following the ANZAC Day Assembly I spoke to the students about reflecting on what went well in term 1 and celebrating the many achievements that occurred. We reflected on the wonderful opportunities including classroom learning, excursions, camps, sport events, the co-curricular program and the Teachers who have assisted in allowing the activities to occur. Term 1 was certainly busy!
Term 1 was the longest period of schooling that students and staff have experienced in recent years. As we begin term 2, we have the opportunity to re-set and refocus and ensure all students are striving for their personal best. I acknowledge that for some students returning to the routine of school this year has at times been very challenging. Classroom teachers will continue to create calm classroom environments with consistent high expectations for behaviour. I am providing a summary for you below so that you too are aware of our classroom expectations of students. A key message to students at the Assembly was the reminder that their choice determines the consequence. As a College we are very transparent about behaviour standards and the consequences that apply when there is a breach of College expectations. I urge all students throughout the year to practice personal responsibility for their learning and behaviour at school.
- Students enter the room in an orderly fashion.
- The room is inspected for rubbish/graffiti and cleaned if necessary.
- Students are to sit in their allocated seat as per the direction of the teacher.
- A greeting is exchanged by the staff member and students as a sign that the lesson is now commencing.
- All students arrive on time to every lesson. Lateness is recorded by the Teacher and consequences apply for consistent lateness.
- Students are to access toilets and drink taps before school, recess and lunch NOT during class time unless an emergency/approved circumstance.
- Students wear correct College summer or winter uniform.
- PE uniform is only worn on PE days or other permitted practical lessons.
- All students follow personal grooming expectations i.e. clean shaven, permitted jewellery only, no acrylic nails/SNS/polish.
- Non permitted items i.e. hoodies, jewellery will be confiscated by the teacher
- Class books and planner are on the desk at the start of the lesson
- A charged lap top is taken to class along with pens and other required materials for the subject.
Mobile phones
- Unless directed to use by the teacher for learning purposes no mobile phones, earbuds are not used at school.
- Mobile phones and ear buds that are sighted by a staff member will be confiscated and taken to the Campus Office. The mobile phone consequence steps will apply.
- The classroom and school rules are followed and all members of the classroom and the school property is treated with respect.
- Students follow the hands off policy at all times.
- When a student is displaying defiance a staff member will ask ‘Are you refusing to follow a reasonable request?’ If defiant behaviour continues after this reminder, the student will be exited from the classroom by the Year Level Coordinator or Coordinator of Students and consequences applied.
- A restorative meeting between the student and teacher is required before students attend the next lesson of the subject.
Prior to dismissal the class
- The class leaves the room in a clean state (desk, floor)
- Desks are checked for graffiti and cleaned if required
- Homework is recorded in the student planner
- Students leave the room in a calm manner once dismissed by the teacher