I hope the long weekend provided students, staff and families the chance to catch their breath as it certainly has been a very busy term! It has been great to witness students engaged in learning both on site and on several excursions and camps.
Parent Teacher Student Partnership Meetings
Thank you very much to families who were able to join the Parent Teacher Student Partnership Meetings last week. As a College we very much view your child’s education as a partnership and we value the insights about your child that you provided to staff during the meetings. For those unable to attend last week there is another opportunity this term to meet with your child’s teachers which will be face to face meetings taking place on Thursday April 7. I encourage you to please make these bookings to avoid disappointment.
Uniform reminder
As the weather begins to become cooler students may begin to find their summer uniform is not providing enough warmth. Students wearing non permitted items with their summer uniform i.e. a long sleeve shirt under their dress or shirt or a non school jumper or jacket is not acceptable. These items may be confiscated by a teacher if a student persists on wearing them. A reminder that students have the choice to wear either summer or winter uniform throughout the year. Students are to please ensure when choosing to wear summer or winter uniform that they are wearing that the full uniform correctly.
Supporting Wellbeing
Technology has expanded the way in which we can engage with useful and credible information during times of personal distress. As a family you may be aware of some of the following services which can be accessed in our community including online chat functions which operate after hours:
Kids Helpline 24/7 phone service 1800 55 1800 and webchat https://kidshelpline.com.au/get-help/webchat-counselling
Beyond Blue: 24/7 phone service 1300 22 4636 chat line also operates from 3pm-midnight https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/get-immediate-support
Lifeline 24/7 phone service 13 11 14 chat online from 7am – 12am at lifeline.org.au or text 0477 131 114 between 6pm – 12am.
1800RESPECT Phone service 1800 737 700 or web chat at 1800respect.org.au Support if you, or someone you know, is experiencing sexual assault or domestic and family violence (all ages).