It was wonderful to see so many students and families attending our recent Careers Expo and information sessions about senior programs for 2023. Thank you very much for your attendance. Students will continue to explore career options in designated pastoral sessions to support their subject selection and future pathways.
Feast Day Celebrations
It has been an exciting week as we prepare for the Feast Day of Saint Mary of the Cross Mackillop on August 8. Congratulations to all year levels for their fundraising efforts during JJAM week which will support the year level charities. I am looking forward to a terrific Feast Day and thank students in advance for their participation. A reminder that St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Feast day is compulsory and any absence will require a medical certificate or discussion with the Year Level Coordinator for other emergency reasons.
Student behaviour in public
My message to students at recent year level assemblies is that I hope everyone feels proud to be a member of Penola Catholic College. The community will often view the way students behave in public as a representation of our school. I have been extremely pleased to hear wonderful feedback and comments about our student’s behaviour at recent excursions including the VCAL students work ethic, professionalism, and manner during their volunteer work at Dallas Neighbourhood House. I urge all students to please be mindful of their behaviour in public settings such as our local streets, excursions, sporting events and train stations and to please be courteous to members of the public.
Pastoral program
A reminder to students and families that attendance and participation in Period 1 pastoral lessons each Friday is a school expectation. Arriving late to school without a valid reason i.e. medical certificate and deliberately missing the pastoral program is unacceptable and consequences will apply. The pastoral program is designed to support students with their wellbeing, social and emotional development and a range of activities including guest speakers are planned for these times.