I hope all students had a chance to relax over the break after a very busy term 2. It has been terrific to see the students back on campus over the past week.
Congratulations and well done to:
- The Year 10 students on their respectful behaviour during the immunisations from Hume City Council
- The Production students who have been working hard in preparation for their upcoming performances
- Year 9 Premier League Teams for their start to the season
- Those who participated and supported the 3 on 3 staff vs students basketball lunchtime activity
- VCAL students for their efforts running a lunchtime BBQ fundraiser for the RSPCA
- All students for settling back into the routine of school
Career pathways
A focus for term 3 is exploring career opportunities. Throughout term 3 students will be looking at their pathways for 2023 and have various opportunities to engage in research and reflection activities supported by the Careers Team and their Pastoral Teacher to help inform subject selections. Our Careers Expo provides further resources for students and their families about subject choices and future career pursuits. I look forward to seeing students and their families at the Careers Expo next Tuesday 26 July 26 in the ASH.
Leadership Launch
Last week our Year 10 and 11 students attended a Leadership Assembly which provided an introduction to leadership and the various leadership roles and opportunities available at Penola Catholic College. We welcomed back former College Captain Taniya Senanyake to share her experiences in leadership. I encourage all students to consider the benefits that the leadership program has to offer. Thank you to Ms Perkin for her work in supporting the students in their leadership endeavours.
Uniform expectations
I ask for your cooperation and support with the following uniform requirements:
- PE uniform only to be worn on PE days or other permitted day as directed by the Teacher.
- Students arrive to school clean shaven
- No additional jewellery items i.e. no nose piercings, piercings other than one stud/sleeper in each ear lobe
- No additional jackets/hoodies