With the term well and truly under way, there is much to look forward to over the next few weeks. The signs are that we are getting back to some level of normality and the experience of school is starting to look familiar. Think back to the time twelve months ago and the encounter with home schooling, the isolation that students (and society) felt, the restrictions that came with the times for students at school (e.g. no sport, no excursions or camps, no gathering with friends, etc.) – and one can quite easily be satisfied with the current school experience.
School Structure
Along with the return to normal school structures comes a responsibility to return to the expected routines. The experience of many staff in Term 1 has been that some students have struggled with the return to the normal school habits and expectations. Student decision making, application to the uniform standards and attending school (on time) determine some aspects of the culture of the school. The infringements related to these routines are made by a minority of students, but they have a big hand in establishing the dynamics of student behaviour and work ethic in the classroom.
Acknowledging college expectations
On the first day of the term, a campus assembly on the senior campus pointed out some of the student expectations required to get things back on track. The notion of respect of people, property and self was high on the list of significant non-negotiables for students to ponder. Our regular rules regarding the ban of mobile phones on the campus, common courtesy and manners, getting to class on time, establishing good work routines and work ethic was also addressed. Over the course of this term the focus will be on making students the best version of themselves to ensure that we all have a successful term.
One thing that wasn’t mentioned at the assembly, but that needs some discussion is the issue of the emergence of the vaping habit. Vaping poses a significant health risk to students and is considered a banned substance on the campus and out in public whilst in school uniform. Please take time to read the accompanying information sheet on vaping that is included in this issue of the Newsletter.
ANZAC Day Assembly
Last Friday, the campus assembled for the second time in a week for the ANZAC Day tribute. The tribute focussed on the meaning of ANZAC Day and the significance of the sacrifice of life in the pursuit of justice and freedom. Respecting this sacrifice of life by our armed forces is so important in understanding the development of the Australian character and the legacy of the ANZAC spirit from which we can all learn. It was inspiring to witness the way our students responded to the emotive tribute.
Wishing you success for this term!
Ernie Pisani
Deputy Principal
Head of Senior Campus