From the Acting Head of Campus Broadmeadows - Mrs Liviana Daniele Vol 15

RUOK and Mental Health Week 6 - 12 September
There were some beautiful messages that went out during the RUOK Mental Health week to our Penola Community. The student leadership team directed by Ms Elizabeth Perkins and the Student Support and Enhancement team offered us as a community some purposeful ways we were called to be mindful of taking care of not only each other but also ourselves. The competitions, the meditation session, the quotes, and many messages all made our week somewhat special. I am sure all of us with the assistance of our Penola Student Leadership team were able to nurture our own mental health due to celebrating mental health week.

Acknowledgment for Positive Student Engagement during Remote learning
Spending most of this school term in lockdown and students having to engage in remote learning was yet another challenging time for learning, regardless of this we have had students who have risen to this challenge. As a result we have acknowledged the students who have continued to work and remain engaged during term three. Teachers were asked to nominate students who have shown the following during remote learning;

  • Demonstrated resilience during this challenging period
  • Maintained high attendance
  • Actively participated in Teams meetings
  • Completed all required work

Of all the nominated students, there were 5 students drawn per year level for the last three weeks of term. These students all received a $25 UberEats voucher. All of the nominated students across all the subjects will receive a certificate recognising their positive engagement for the term.

Showing Josephite Gratitude
With the assistance of Mr Chris McBrearty students from the Year 9 EAL class wrote letters for healthcare workers at St Vincent’s Hospital. They produced some lovely heartfelt messages of thanks that then were delivered to nurses at the hospital. What a great initiative from Mr McBrearty and a great experience for the students to share their gratitude with some of our frontline workers in the health care system during this pandemic.

Penola Catholic College Scholarship Student Applications for 2021
Penola Catholic College recognises and encourages students who strive for excellence in a wide range of disciplines. The College believes it important that students develop:

  • Skills of creativity
  • A spirit of enquiry
  • Self discipline
  • Critical awareness
  • A sense of community
  • Skills in leadership
  • A desire for academic excellence
  • To be a Real Life Learner

Penola Catholic College endeavours to support students through the implementation of a Scholarship Program. The Scholarship Program recognises and acknowledges students that take responsibility for and are proactive in the development of their own learning.

We are thrilled to be able to announce the provision of a number of scholarships for 2021. The scholarships are of $400 each and are categorised as Academic, Co-Curricular Involvement, Community Spirit and Personal Endeavour. Students are able to apply for one scholarship category only.

Students interested in applying for a scholarship are invited to complete an application form. Forms will be available on mypenola in the student news section.

All applications must be submitted no later than Friday 8 October 2021. The Scholarship Selection Committee will then short list and interview suitable applicants. Recipients of scholarships will be acknowledged at the end of year College Awards Night.

Please Note: Recipients of 2020 Scholarships are not eligible to apply this year but may apply again in 2022.

As this term comes to an end, we keep in our prayers all of our Penola families who have or are currently facing difficulties during this pandemic. We pray that all members of our community stay safe and are able to find peace during the term break. May we continue to support each other in any capacity that is possible.

Best wishes for the holiday break.
