Year 12 Parent Information Night
A reminder that tonight we have our Year 12 parent information night starting at 6.15pm
being run by our year 12 coordinators Mr Reynolds and Mrs Prescott. We encourage Year 12 parents and guardians to please watch the vodcast sent out via operoo outlining important agenda items such as exam preparation, selecting courses for 2022 via VTAC, and the Year 12 Appreciation Week. Then use the link provided via operoo to join tonight’s session where you can ask questions about important information regarding the final weeks of Year 12 for your son/daughter. We are looking forward to speaking to the Year 12 parents and guardians tonight.
Revision Master Classes for Year 12s
Please be aware that the Melbourne University Masterclasses will run again on the following dates and times at Penola for our Year 12 students.
At this stage the plan is that the revision lectures will be conducted online due to COVID restrictions. Please see below for session dates and times;
- Tuesday 7 September 2.30pm (early leave day Year 12): Further Maths
- Wednesday 8 September 3.30pm: Psychology
- Thursday 9 September 3.30 pm: Specialists Maths
- Friday 10 September 3.30 pm: Maths Methods
- Tuesday 14 September 2.30pm (early leave day): Physics
- Wednesday 15 September 3.30pm: Biology
- Thursday 16 September 3.30pm: Chemistry
All sessions are run after school or outside of timetabled classes for Year 12s. Please encourage your son/daughter to access this free service provided by the University of Melbourne.
Technology Resources Prepared for Students
I would like to thank Mr John Paul Head of Technology and the Technology staff for organising packs to be sent home to students that will allow them to participate in their practical subjects even while in remote learning. Packs for Year 9 and Year 10 Textiles were prepared and sent home so students can still do practical work during remote learning. This is yet another way in which our staff are trying to ensure students are supported by encouraging motivation and participation in their learning program during the current lockdown.
Remote Learning
As announced by our Premier Daniel Andrews the lockdown for our students will continue and remote learning will be extended beyond this week. As we continue our remote learning and teaching we encourage parents and guardians to stay positive and continue to support your child to engage in their academic program. Practicing positive self-talk is a way in which we can address the limiting beliefs that students communicate about their inability to learn and participate during remote learning. By modelling positive self-talk with your child, it allows them to internalise what is being suggested keeping their thoughts and focus positive. Some simple examples of how you could engage in positive talk with your child is to use phrases such as ‘Today is going to be a good day’ or ‘You can do this’ when they are faced with a challenging task. For further benefits and strategies of positive self-talk Click here.
Child Protection Week 5 – 11 September Parent Webinar
The eSafety commission are offering free parent and guardian webinars during Child Protection Week. The webinar on a guide to online sexual harassment and image-based abuse is designed for parents and carers of young people aged 13-18. The Webinar will cover:
- The difference between online sexual harassment and image-based abuse
- How to report online sexual harassment to social media companies
- How to report image-based abuse to eSafety and when to report to police
- Where to get support if you feel upset or worried about something that has happened online.
You can choose to attend the webinar with your teen or share resources with them afterwards from the webinar package.
Dates and Times
- Tuesday 7 September 12.30 to 1.30pm
- Thursday 9 September 12.30 to 1.30pm