Congratulations to the following Penola students who were awarded the ‘Swannie Award’ for their respective grade in the Epping Region Debate Competition:
- Jackson G 12F
- Larissa K 11E
- Isla R 9J
The Swannie Awards are named after Alan Swanwick, a long-time member of the Debating Association of Victoria and a pioneer of debating in Victoria. “Swannies” are awarded to the speaker in each region and grade who has the highest average speaker score after completing at least three debates during the year. The average is calculated solely on speaker scores, and is not affected by the best speaker awards that are announced at the end of each debate.
Penola’s debate teams are to be commended for their commitment to the competition and the way they represented the College Community.
We will participate in the DAV competition again next year and our team is always looking for new members. If your child may be interested, please ask them to contact the Debate Coordinator, Maria Alberto.