As we conclude Term two, we have so much to celebrate and be grateful for in our school community. Congratulations to all students who have completed their semester one subjects and at the same time look forward to beginning semester two. During term two the students on the junior campus had the following opportunities:
- Year 7s participated in Premiere League
- Year 8s participated in a Reflection Day for Religion
- Our year 7 and 8 students conducted school tours for prospective families of our junior campus
- All Junior students participated in our Wellbeing Day
- Year 7and 8 AFL SACCSS Gala Days
- Year 7 and 8 SACCSS Cross Country
- Languages Week
- Creating short films for English
- Cooking a range of dishes including Banana Pancakes, Dumplings, and Lasagna
- Drawing and Painting in Visual Arts with a focus on architecture, crystals and birds.
Without our dedicated and passionate staff these opportunities would not be possible.
At our college assembly on Friday 21 June four of our junior students Finn H Year 7, Kai H Year 7, Lana A Year 8 and David H Year 8 shared with the College community a presentation on our wellbeing day. Here is what they presented:
“ Good Morning everyone, my name is David, and I’m here with Kai, Finn, and Lana to speak to you about our Wellbeing Day that took place on the 4th June.
Wellbeing Day offered all in our community an opportunity to improve our overall health and fitness.
Our well-being, day started with a presentation by John Coutis who spoke about his disability spina bifida which is a disability that makes your legs thin and weak causing you to not be able to walk and need a wheelchair. He spoke about how his disability although a challenge helped him to become resilient and strong. He mentioned the importance of kindness and how it can affect someone’s attitude and well-being throughout their life.
Then after recess Susan McLean an ex-police force member came in to talk about cyber safety. She started by telling us the importance of being safe and not sharing information with random people. She also spoke about how cyberbullying can impact a person’s wellbeing.
The afternoon consisted of students participating in various wellbeing activities such as PE, music, meditation painting, Yoga, paper crafting just to name a few. We thank the staff who conducted the afternoon activities as the students really appreciated and enjoyed the sessions that were offered.
We would also like to give a special thanks to Mrs Seel for her organisation of the day.
Looking towards term three can I please remind students and families about our uniform policy. Students are not permitted to wear any items that are not part of our school uniform. In addition, the PE uniform can only be worn when your child has a scheduled PE class. If students do come to school out of uniform, we will try to rectify the uniform problem with families if this cannot happen then the student will be sent home to work remotely for the day. All students should be in full school uniform for the start of term three.
On a final note, I wish all students and families a restful term break and look forward to seeing you all in term three.
Liviana Daniele