From the Principal - Ms Tracey Kift Vol 5

From the Head of Campus Glenroy - Mrs Liviana Daniele Vol 5

As we conclude Term two, we have so much to celebrate and be grateful for in our school community. Congratulations to all students who have completed their semester one subjects and at the same time look forward to beginning semester two. During term two the students on the junior campus had the following opportunities:

  • Year 7s participated in Premiere League
  • Year 8s participated in a Reflection Day for Religion
  • Our year 7 and 8 students conducted school tours for prospective families of our junior campus
  • All Junior students participated in our Wellbeing Day
  • Year 7and 8 AFL SACCSS Gala Days
  • Year 7 and 8 SACCSS Cross Country
  • Languages Week
  • Creating short films for English
  • Cooking a range of dishes including Banana Pancakes, Dumplings, and Lasagna
  • Drawing and Painting in Visual Arts with a focus on architecture, crystals and birds.

Without our dedicated and passionate staff these opportunities would not be possible.

At our college assembly on Friday 21 June four of our junior students Finn H Year 7, Kai H Year 7, Lana A Year 8 and David H Year 8 shared with the College community a presentation on our wellbeing day. Here is what they presented:

“ Good Morning everyone, my name is David, and I’m here with Kai, Finn, and Lana to speak to you about our Wellbeing Day that took place on the 4th June.

Wellbeing Day offered all in our community an opportunity to improve our overall health and fitness.

Our well-being, day started with a presentation by John Coutis who spoke about his disability spina bifida which is a disability that makes your legs thin and weak causing you to not be able to walk and need a wheelchair. He spoke about how his disability although a challenge helped him to become resilient and strong. He mentioned the importance of kindness and how it can affect someone’s attitude and well-being throughout their life.

Then after recess Susan McLean an ex-police force member came in to talk about cyber safety. She started by telling us the importance of being safe and not sharing information with random people. She also spoke about how cyberbullying can impact a person’s wellbeing.

The afternoon consisted of students participating in various wellbeing activities such as PE, music, meditation painting, Yoga, paper crafting just to name a few. We thank the staff who conducted the afternoon activities as the students really appreciated and enjoyed the sessions that were offered.

We would also like to give a special thanks to Mrs Seel for her organisation of the day.

Looking towards term three can I please remind students and families about our uniform policy. Students are not permitted to wear any items that are not part of our school uniform. In addition, the PE uniform can only be worn when your child has a scheduled PE class. If students do come to school out of uniform, we will try to rectify the uniform problem with families if this cannot happen then the student will be sent home to work remotely for the day. All students should be in full school uniform for the start of term three.

On a final note, I wish all students and families a restful term break and look forward to seeing you all in term three.

Liviana Daniele

From the Head of Campus Broadmeadows - Ms Erin Bonavia Vol 5

As we approach the term 2 holidays I would like to congratulate the senior campus students on their efforts throughout a very busy and productive term. Some highlights in recent weeks:

  • Year 9 students completing a week of city experience, learning more about the city of Melbourne and increasing independence as they travelled to and from and around the city each day. I witnessed many examples of impressive behaviour including wearing the College uniform with pride and being courteous to members of the public including offering their seats to those in need on public transport.
  • Year 10 student’s impressive efforts during their exams and on work experience. I really enjoyed having the chance to see our students in action during my work placement visits. I am grateful to the many local businesses who kindly offered a work placement opportunity to out students.
  • Year 11 students have completed Unit 1 of their studies and our VCE students recently completed mid-year examinations.
  • Congratulations to our year 12 students who have one semester to go until the end of the secondary school education!

In addition to the above it has been really rewarding to see many of our students making the most of co-curricular opportunities that the College has to offer. The College production performances are fast approaching and I know students and staff have worked tirelessly during rehearsals. Congratulations to all students who represented the College in SACCSS sport competitions to date and those who have contributed to events such as the College Assembly, Annie Brice building opening and our College tours.

Preparing for Term 3
The holidays are a chance to rest and recharge after a huge term and also provide time to thoroughly prepare for a successful term 3. Here are some tips to maximise a smooth return:

  • Check stationary needs especially with new elective subjects.
  • Ensure any uniform items are replaced, cleaned or repaired as required. With the cooler weather winter uniform is highly recommended and this includes the College tie.
  • Avoid any new piercings or acrylic/false nails. A reminder a “fresh” piercing is not an acceptable reason for not removing a non-permitted piercing. A clear, flat insert is permitted.
  • Check MyPenola for holiday homework and make a plan to ensure homework is not left to the last minute.

Support over the holidays
If students, families or someone you know needs support over the holiday period here are some useful contacts:

Hume City Council - resources for families

Kids Helpline- 24 hour phone counselling Phone: 1800 55 1800

Headspace - mental health support for young people including online

The Orange Door-for families experiencing family violence, or who need assistance with the care and wellbeing of children and young people.
Phone: 1800 271 151

From the Head of Faith & Mission - Mr Vince Iannuzzi Vol 5

Welcome to the Faith and Mission update for end of Term 2 2024. The College continues to pursue the Catholic dimension of faith that St Mary of the Cross envisioned for the school community. We continue to offer opportunities to gather in praise, worship and in the sacred space of Catholic tradition.

Faith Corner continues to attract students as a vehicle to becoming accustomed with the Catholic faith. Similarly, those who are not Catholic are able to attend to further understand or ask questions about the faith. We gather for Rosary regularly each week in prayer and then follow up with short discussions about the significance of the mysteries in relation to our lives within the Australian and global contexts today.

The Faith and Mission team, comprising of Gerard Knobel, Fr Tony Cox, Melissa Fry and youth minister, Marc Salazar have been planning and delivered successful reflection days for the Year 8 and Year 12 students to encourage students to think about the faith dimension of their lives.

Year 8 Reflection Day
We engaged the services of Youth Mission Team Australia who did an amazing job with the junior students addressing the theme of belonging and forming positive relationships with self, family, friends and with God. This whole day experience consisted of ice breakers, drama, small group discussion and ended in a moving liturgy that encouraged students to write prayers of intention for their loved ones.

Year 12 Reflection Day
The Year 12 students continued their “launch into the deep” as they journey through Year 12 and head into what will be their final term prior to exams. We engaged a guest speaker in the morning, Elijah Mahina, who gave an honest and provocative witness to faith and that resonated with many students and staff. The afternoon session we were graced with the presentation by Steve and Annie Lawrence who spoke about the gift of relationships and the sacrament of marriage through a Catholic perspective. Their talk was honest, and perhaps may have been challenging to some students’ perspectives in the auditorium, nonetheless, carried the message of the dignity of each human being and the responsibilities that are associated with relationships and marriage. Many thanks to Mr Knobel for organising these presenters and many thanks to Ms Fry for coordinating the food for both reflection days and organising the food trucks that fed staff and students during the Year 12 reflection day.

As I complete this summary, the Faith and Mission team continues planning for some key events in Term 3 such as the staff spirituality day on Wednesday 17 July and the Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop on Thursday 8th August.

Many thanks

Mr Vince Iannuzzi
Deputy Principal Faith and Mission

A message from Fr Tony

“To Be or not to BE”

The preparations have already started but at this time each year everything starts to “rev up” within regard to the Celebration of the Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, our College Patron Saint. Whilst the actual day is one filled with the celebration of the Eucharist, the many other activities express the joy of All as the day unfolds. Music, dance, the sharing of food and of course the ever appreciative fun rides for young and old encapsulate the mood of the day. All of this, however, just does not happen on the day. As a lead up, JJAMM week is a style of foundation stone and after the time is done the spirit of St Mary of the Cross invites us all to continue on keeping alive her faith, vision and witness.

I was recently reflecting upon this and it occurred to me that if we stop, look and listen we can definitely understand why so much of what happens at the College is part and parcel of our life and faith. Each and everyone of us are pilgrims and along this journey we are called in many and differing ways to be disciples. I often wonder whether or not we fully understand just what a disciple …a follower…is!

Briefly, I think it might be good just to share a few thoughts around this. Might we call them the ‘essential”?

We know from the Scriptures that Jesus spoke about ‘loving God and our neighbour”. Together with the 10 Commandments, this focuses on what I believe to be the commandment of the heart. This demands that there be a relationship with Jesus and that we always try to remain faithful in the areas of our private ’morality’.

Secondly, it would be true to say that Jesus mandates social justice as a non-negotiable, not optional, within Christian discipleship. It is clear from his own life, from the Gospels about the last judgement and from the fact that in in the Gospels, on average, one out of every eight lines is an imperative from Jesus to reach out to the poor.

Demanding as it might be, discipleship summons an involvement within a concrete community of faith. Christian discipleship is not something we do alone. We are asked to journey to God with each other, as part of an ecclesial community, as part of a synodal church.

Capping all of this off is Jesus’ desire that the essential component of discipleship be expressed through a mellow, warm, gentle and grateful heart. Discipleship is not just about what a person does but it is rather the spirit within which it is done. Right truth and the right energy is needed.

As T.S. Eliot wrote: “ The last temptation that’s the greatest treason, is to do the right thing for the wrong reason.”

Child Safety

Access to student toilets
As per previous communication, as of Monday 24 June 2024, students needing to access the toilet during class time will be required to use the toilets at the Campus Office. This change will be implemented as part of our ongoing commitment to child safety and ensuring students have timely access to assistance if they need it e.g. become unwell and have appropriate supervision at all times of the school day.

The only variation to this instruction will be students with classes in the Annie Brice building who can access the toilets in this building.

Students will have access to the student toilets before school, after school and at recess and lunchtimes.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant Head of Campus.

Staying safe online
It is important that families monitor their child’s social media access, particularly over the holiday period.

The e safety commissioner website is a useful resource with tips for parents and advice on how to report any online bullying concerns.

Applied Learning

Vocational Major Excursions: Year 11 and Year 12
Our Year 11 and Year 12 Vocational Major students recently participated in fantastic excursions aimed at boosting vocational skills and enhancing their learning experiences.

Year 12 Escapade at Melbourne Escape Room
The Year 12 Personal Development Skills students and their teachers headed into the heart of Melbourne, Collins Street, for an exciting day at the Melbourne Escape Room. They worked together to solve puzzles and challenges, really getting hands-on with their learning. This experience was all about teamwork and applying what they've learned in a practical way. It gave them a chance to develop their problem-solving skills and learn how to collaborate effectively – skills that are essential for their future careers.

Year 11 Exploration of MCG Tour and Federation Square
Meanwhile, our Year 11 Work Related Skills students explored the iconic Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) and checked out Federation Square. They focused on workplace skills and what it takes to succeed in different job settings. Through guided tours and interactive activities, they saw firsthand how teamwork plays a crucial role in any workplace. This outing was all about putting learning into action and preparing them for the challenges they'll face in their future careers.

These trips were tailored to fit each year level's vocational majors, giving our students practical experiences that will help them succeed in their chosen fields. We're really proud of how enthusiastic and engaged they were during these valuable learning experiences.

2024 College Production

Pentridge Prison Excursion

Year 11 Legal Studies
Pentridg Prison Excursion

At the beginning of Term 2, the Year 11 Legal Studies classes attended an excursion to Pentridge Prison in Coburg. The Year 11 students learnt about the history of the jail, the inmates and their crimes, the types of punishments the offenders received and the attempted escapes. We were accompanied by a tour guide who provided the students with historical information regarding when the prison was first established, up to when the last legal execution took place. We also learnt about the different prison buildings and were given the opportunity to explore one the most infamous division, the H Division cells. While moving from cell to cell, we had headphones and an iPod, and listened to audio recordings of different inmates and their experiences inside one of the most brutal and tough prison Divisions in Victoria.

Overall, it was an educational experience and it not only enabled us to gain a better understanding of Criminal Law in Unit 1 AOS2 2 but also we learnt the History of Victoria’s Penal System. It was a fun day for all involved and well done to the students for being excellent representatives of the College. Thank you to the staff who attended this excursion.

Antonia Z 11G
VCE Legal Studies student

Trip to Italty

Hi, our names are Erynn M and Alyssa R from Year 9 and this year we went on the school Italy trip which was an overall wonderful experience. One of the cities we visited in Italy was Florence which we thought was a beautiful place. We would usually be around the Cathedral but although we didn’t enter the Cathedral it looked incredible from the outside as it was made from green, pink, and white marble. Another thing we enjoyed in Florence was one of the tours we went on, during this tour we visited the Ponte Vecchio which is the name of an arch bridge which crosses over the Arno River in Florence. We were able to look at the beautiful Arno River from the bridge, when we then walked to the Palazzo Vecchio, which is where we saw various statues including a copy of Michelangelo’s David, which replaced the original in 1873, and the group of Hercules and Cacus by Bandinelli. We also visited the Statue of David which embodies the city of Florence, symbolizing independence, and strength. Another city we visited in Italy was Assisi, although we didn’t stay there for long one of the places, we were able to visit was the Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi. It was filled with Italian art and two churches including Saint Francis’ tomb.

Rome is a bustling hub full of historical landmarks, buildings and art. First we visited the Pantheon which is a beautiful old circular church full of amazing artwork and a very uniquely designed roof. The next day we went to the city centre of Rome and visited many famous landmarks including the Trevi fountain that was unfortunately drained that day and the Spanish Steps. The day after, we left our Hotel for a bit to visit the Vatican City to see the many famous sculptures and artworks there as well as the Sistine Chapel with Michaelangelo’s beautiful paintings on the roof and the world’s biggest church, St Peter’s Basilica. Finally, on our last full day in Rome we visited The Colosseum, Rome’s most famous landmark. There we got to see the inside of it and learn about the games that used to take place there. The very next day we said goodbye to Rome and took a bus to Pompeii.

Pompeii was an experience of a life time. So on our way from Rome to Sorento we stopped of at the famous town of Pompeii. Once we arrived we went and had a look at the stores and then we went and actually saw the ruins. We saw the Amphitheatre, and saw how they used to build and live in the roman age. We also saw some of the bodies that had been covered in ash. After we wandered off to the stores again and that’s all we did in Pompeii.

Overall the Italy trip was a wonderful experience and would definitely recommend any others considering going in the future!!

Community News

Applied Learning

Vocational Major Excursions: Year 11 and Year 12
Our Year 11 and Year 12 Vocational Major students recently participated in fantastic excursions aimed at boosting vocational skills and enhancing their learning experiences.

Year 12 Escapade at Melbourne Escape Room
The Year 12 Personal Development Skills students and their teachers headed into the heart of Melbourne, Collins Street, for an exciting day at the Melbourne Escape Room. They worked together to solve puzzles and challenges, really getting hands-on with their learning. This experience was all about teamwork and applying what they've learned in a practical way. It gave them a chance to develop their problem-solving skills and learn how to collaborate effectively – skills that are essential for their future careers.

Year 11 Exploration of MCG Tour and Federation Square
Meanwhile, our Year 11 Work Related Skills students explored the iconic Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) and checked out Federation Square. They focused on workplace skills and what it takes to succeed in different job settings. Through guided tours and interactive activities, they saw firsthand how teamwork plays a crucial role in any workplace. This outing was all about putting learning into action and preparing them for the challenges they'll face in their future careers.

These trips were tailored to fit each year level's vocational majors, giving our students practical experiences that will help them succeed in their chosen fields. We're really proud of how enthusiastic and engaged they were during these valuable learning experiences.
