
Student Details

Student Name 
Last NameFirst Name

Previous School Permission

As part of the transition process a representative from Penola Catholic College will make contact with your child’s previous school.

Sacramental Information


Family Details - Parent / Guardian

Parent / Guardian 1

Please complete the following fields for Parent / Guardian 1

TitleParent / Guardian 1 SurnameParent / Guardian 1 First Name
Postal Address same as Home Address
Mobile PhoneHome PhoneWork Phone

Occupation Group

What is the occupation of theparent/guardian? (Please select theappropriate occupation group letter from this form) 

Please Note: This information isrequired by the Federal governmentfor statistical reporting.

What is the highest year of primary or secondary school the parent/guardian has completed? 

Note: Persons who have neverattended secondary school, mark'Year 9 or below')

What is the level of the highest qualification parent/guardian have completed? 
Other Information about Parent / Guardian 1 
ReligionNationalityCountry of Birth
Who will be responsible for the payment of the school fees, laptop fees and levies?

Parent / Guardian 2

Please complete the following

No Parent / Guardian 2
TitleParent / Guardian 2 SurnameParent / Guardian 2 First Name

Home Address

Same home address
Same address
Mobile PhoneHome PhoneWork PhoneEmail

Occupation Group

What is the occupation of the parent/guardian? (Please select the appropriate occupation group letter from this form)

Please Note: This information is required by the Federal government for statistical reporting.

What is the highest year of primary or secondary school the parent/guardian has completed?

Note: Persons who have never attended secondary school, mark 'Year 9 or below')

What is the level of the highest qualification parent/guardian have completed?
Other Information about Parent / Guardian 2
ReligionNationalityCountry of Birth

Nationality - Government Requirements

Is the student of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island Descent? 

Does the student or their mother/guardian or their father/guardian speak a language other than English at home?

(Please indicate the ONE language that is spoken most often)

StudentFather / GuardianMother / Guardian
Is an interpreter required?

If not born in Australia, citizenship status is required

Was the Student born in Australia 

It is compulsory to provide documents regarding Visa status. Please attach any Visa/Travel documents and passport photo page.

Residential Status - Australian Citizen not born in Australia

Original documents to be sighted and copies to be retained by school
If the student was not born in Australia but has since become an Australian Citizen please attach your Citizenship Certificate.

Residential Status - Not currently an Australian Citizen - Please provide further details as appropriate below
Do you give permission for the College to conduct a Visa Entitlement Verification Online Check (VEVO)? 

Original documents to be sighted and copies to be retained by school


Emergency Contacts - Other than Parent/Guardian

Emergency Contacts 
Relationship to studentNameHome PhoneMobile
Medical Details 
Doctor's NamePhone Number of Dr. or ClinicClinic Name
Medicare No. 
NumberReference NumberExpiry Date
Private Health Fund 
Health Care Card 

Please specify any medical conditions the student suffers from e.g. Asthma, diabetes and/or any prescribed medications taken by the student. The college uses a computer package called Care Monkey which allows for permissions of all incursions and excursion at the college. All parents will receive an email asking them to sign up and place all medical information onto the program. Any changes to student details can then be updated by parents at all times.

Has the student been diagnosed as being at risk of anaphylaxis?
If yes, does the student have an Epi-Pen or Anapen?


It is preferred that you upload a copy of your immunisation records.

Please indicate if the student has been immunised against the following:

Additional Needs

This application gives you the opportunity to provide information that will facilitate the smooth transition of your child into our school. It will assist the school to develop appropriate strategies to meet the particular needs of your child. If the information provided is incomplete or misleading, any decision made as to this enrolment may be revised.

Additional Needs - Does your child have:
Additional Needs - Has your child ever seen a:

If your child does have a special need, please can you assist us by providing the following information:

Does your child receive Integration funding because of a disability?
Details of additional learning needs/additional needs provided (please provide all relevant information)?
Medical/allied health professional reports attached (please provide all relevant information)?

Family - Sibling, Zoning & Arrangements Info

List all children in your family attending school or pre-school (from oldest to youngest) - include applicant

Number of children attending school
Parents Choice of School

Principals of Catholic Secondary schools in this area work together to ensure that, where possible parents are given their choice of Catholic School.


Where did you hear about Penola Catholic College?

Home Care Arrangements

Please indicate the home care arrangements for this student.

Court Orders (If Applicable)

Are there any current court orders relating to the Student? 

Please note that the completion, signing and lodgement of this enrolment form is a pre-requisite for consideration of the enrolment of your child at the School, however it does not guarantee enrolment. The enrolment is formalised after the Enrolment Agreement is signed, following an offer for enrolment being made by the School.Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of the Enrolment Agreement for further details and explanation of the terms and conditions that will apply to enrolment at the School, once offered and accepted.

Note: The Victorian Government provides the following guidance regarding admission requirements: Consent

The signature of:

  • student, if they are over 15 and living independently
  • parent as defined in the Family Law Act 1975
  • Note: In the absence of a current court order, each parent of a child who is not 18 has equal parental responsibility.
  • both parents for parents who are separated, or a copy of the court order with any impact on the relationship between the family and the school
  • an informal carer, with a statutory declaration. Carers:
    • may be a relative or other carer
    • have day-to-day care of the student with the student regularly living with them
    • may provide any other consent required e.g. excursions.

Notes for informal carer:

  • statutory declarations apply for 12 months
  • the wishes of a parent prevail in the event of a dispute between a parent legally responsible for a student and an informal carer.

Note: Secondary students may complete parts of the form and co-sign.

Disclaimer: Personal information will be held, used and disclosed in accordance with the school’s Privacy Collection Notice and Privacy Policy enclosed with this Enrolment Pack and available on its website www.penola.vic.edu.au

By signing below, we agree that we have read and understood the documents attached:

I understand that if any misleading information has been provided, or any omission of significant information is made in the application for enrolment, acceptance will not be granted; or, if discovered after acceptance, enrolment may be withdrawn.

Click here to view School Enrolment Agreement

Click here to view Student Code of Conduct

Click here to view Parent/Guardian/Carer Code of Conduct

Parent/Guardian 1

I confirm that I have read, understand and agree to the above School Enrolment Agreement, Student Code of Conduct, Parent / Guardian Code of Conduct 

Parent/Guardian 2

I confirm that I have read, understand and agree to the above School Enrolment Agreement, Student Code of Conduct, Parent / Guardian Code of Conduct


This form is a binding contract between each person named below, jointly and severally, and the school. if the school accepts the enrolment you will be required to comply with all the terms and conditions contained in this form. Please ensure you have read it carefully.

I, We agree to the Terms & Conditions.

Privacy of Collected information Notice

Please tick the box below to confirm that you consent to this disclosure, processing and storage of your personal information.

Photograph/Video Permision Form

Dear Parent/Guardian
At certain times throughout the year, our students may have the opportunity to be photographed or filmed for our school publications, such as the school’s newsletter or website and social media, or to promote the school in newspapers and other media.
The Catholic Education Office Melbourne (CEOM) and the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd (CECV) may also wish to use student photographs/videos in print and online promotional, marketing, media and educational materials.
We would like your permission to use your child's photograph/video for the above purposes.
Please complete the permissions below
Thank you for your continued support.
Any personal information will be stored, used and disclosed in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

I GIVE/DO NOT GIVE permission for my child’s photograph/video and name to be published in:

  • the school website
  • social media
  • promotional materials
  • newspapers and other media.
  • I authorise the CEOM/CECV to use the photograph/video in material available free of charge to schools and education departments around Australia for the CEOM/CECV’s promotional, marketing, media and educational purposes.
  • I give permission for a photograph/video of my child to be used by the CEOM/CECV in the agreed publications without acknowledgment, remuneration or compensation.
  • I understand and agree that if I do not wish to consent to my child's photograph/video appearing in any or all of the publications above, or if I wish to withdraw this authorisation and consent, it is my responsibility to notify the school.
Photograph/Video Permission 

Licensed Under NEALS

The photograph/video may appear in material which will be available to schools and education departments around Australia under the National Educational Access Licence for Schools (NEALS), which is a licence between education departments of the various states and territories, allowing schools to use licensed material wholly and freely for educational purposes.

I/we consent to License under NEALS 

Note: if student is aged 15+ they may also consent:

I, the Student who is aged 15+ years, consent to License under NEALS

Documents & Signatures

I/We have included copies of the following documents for the child being enrolled with this application for enrolment.


Please send documentation to:

Penola Catholic College

P.O. Box 637, Glenroy, 3046, Victoria, Australia
Phone: (03) 9301 2777
Fax: (03) 9301 2770
Email: principal@penola.vic.edu.au
Web: www.penola.vic.edu.au

Enrolment Fee

In order for us to process your enrolment form Penola Catholic College requires a $100 Enrolment Application Fee.
Please select NEW ENROLMENT APPLICATION FEE from the drop down Bpoint menu
After submitting the application form payment instructions will follow.
$50 of this fee will be credited to your first account
Should the College not accept your child, the $50 will be refunded to you.
The other $50 is a NON- REFUNDABLE administration fee.
If, on the other hand, you cancel your application or do not accept an offer of a place at Penola Catholic College, the full enrolment fee will NOT be refunded.

Consent for information sharing with third parties

I/we consent to school staff contacting the providers / agencies indicated below regarding my child. 
I/we also authorise school staff to provide the providers / agencies listed below with information regarding my child’s health or educational needs. 
I/we consent to all relevant health and/or educational information held by the providers/agencies detailed below to be provided to the school. This includes, but is not limited to, hearing and vision assessments and any other health, education or early intervention reports that are considered relevant to the assessment of, or educational provision for, my child’s needs.
I/we consent to all relevant health and/or educational information. 
I/we understand that this information will be collected and used by to inform health and safety management strategies and educational program for my child. 
Name of provider/agency
Name of provider/agencyAgencyAgency

Consent to Transfer of Information Form

This form is used to assist in the transfer of information between schools when a student is moving from a Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS) school to another school. Please refer to the Privacy Policy and Collection Notice – Students and Parents for more information.

The principal/teacher has discussed with me/us how and why certain information about my child will be provided to the new school. I understand that in addition to formal reports, details regarding their educational program will be supplied.

I/we provide informed and express

Finance obligations, fee collection & payment information

Penola Catholic College endeavours to make a Catholic Education available to all Catholic students whose parents seek a Catholic Education for them.

Penola Catholic College has a responsibility to communicate the financial constraints under which they operate to parents enrolling their children in Catholic schools.

The School Advisory Council is to recommend the school fees each year and present to MACS for acceptance. The School shall ensure that school fees reflect the socio-economic status of the school community, in the context of the policy rationale. The school fees will be announced to the community by the website and or College newsletter in the prior year before the end of the previous school year. The collection of school fees shall be approached in the spirit of Christian charity and justice.

Parents are required to make a commitment to support Catholic Education financially by paying fees as a necessary contribution to the costs of delivering a Catholic education.

School fees

School Fees shall include the total cost of educating a child and this comprises all-inclusive tuition charges and the building levy.

Fee arrangement

Tuition Fees and the compulsory Building Levy are charged annually in February.Accounts are emailed in February with the annual charges shown.

Fee payment terms

A Fee Payment Terms form is given to families that are new to the College. On this form parents/guardians choose how they wish to pay their School Fees. This arrangement remains in place until the student/s exit the College. If a family wishes to change their arrangement, a new form can be collected from the College accounts office Broadmeadows or the Glenroy Campus Office.

Fee collection procedure

It is the obligation and responsibility of parents/guardians to contact the College if payments cannot be made as per their Fee Payment Terms form. If School Fees become substantially overdue parents will be required to meet with the Fee Collection Officer or Business Manager to discuss the matter.

School fee accounts are continued to be paid until a zero balance even when the students are no longer at the College.

Fees in advance

The Principal may request fees in advance if parents are in arrears.

Additional fees & costs

There are some additional costs incurred at the College that are not included in the school fees for example Co-curricular, Language Tours, Art Tours, Music, Outdoor Education, Vet Material Charges. Programs which occur additional costs are only available to your child if the school fee account is not in arrears. Additional items are charged at various times during the year.

Laptops are required for student coming into Year 7. The College will purchase these on behalf of all students in Year 7. Parents are required to pay for the laptop.

Digital resources are compulsory and are an additional fee along with the booklist which is required annually.


The confidentiality of all information pertaining to parents and/or guardians and the payment of school fees shall be maintained

Application of enrolment form

Application for Enrolment form and the Financial Checklist must be signed by both parents and/or guardians for the enrolment form to be accepted at the College. In the case of sole custodial parent or guardian, one signature will suffice.

Application for Enrolment fee shall be $100. Of this payment, $50 will be credited to your Tuition Fees account and the other $50 is non-refundable. Should your child not be offered a place at the College, $50 will be refunded. If you decide to cancel your application or do not accept an Offer of Place at Penola Catholic College, the full Application Fee will not be refunded.

Acceptance of Enrolment fee shall be $120 and $100 will be deducted from the tuition fees in the year of enrolment. $20 is for the purchase of a College lock.

Health Care Card holders & CSEF

Families with a health care card can apply for the Camps Sports and Excursions Fund. Parents who are eligible for this payment on an annual basis will also receive a discount of 20% on their school fees. If you have a health care card you must fill a form in at the College for the CSEF. This may be required annually.

Centrelink Family Health Care Card

Eligible cards must be in the name of the parent/guardian and will list the children covered by the card. The name of a child over 16 years of age may not be shown on the family card, but those students may still be covered by the family card. Individual cards, in the name of an individual student, are not eligible as they are not means tested. Parents who are in receipt of Centrelink Payments may choose to have their fees paid through CentrePay. If using this method, every effort must be made to ensure that fees are paid in full by the end of the school year.

Sibling discounts

All students and families are eligible for sibling discounts including families who receive automatic fee discounts as holders of eligible means tested family concession cards. The level of sibling discounts set by the School Advisory Council are:

  • First child enrolled 0%
  • Second child enrolled 10% of that child’s tuition fee
  • Third child enrolled 50% of that child’s tuition fee
  • Fourth child enrolled and beyond 100% of that child’s tuition fee & Building levy fees only
  • The College does have a Maximum Family Fee for current students.

Split debtor accounts

The Principals of a Catholic School enters into a contract with parents/guardians at the time of enrolment. The Principal agrees to deliver the described educational services and in return the party(ies) agree to pay an amount as described in the School Fee Schedule. The signed enrolment form is a contract between the parents/guardians and the Principal. This contract is enforceable by the Principal – usually to recover unpaid fees agreed to in its conditions – against any party who is a signatory

The parties are said to be ‘jointly and severally liable’, which means the Principal can enforce the contract against one or both. This right does not change if the relationship status between the parties changes (e.g. through a divorce or separation). Just as the Principal remains bound to deliver the education to the child, both parents remain jointly and severally liable to pay the full fee amount.

Therefore, the Principal may continue to send each parent a full account of the outstanding school fees. The Principal is not bound by any agreement between the parents or resulting from family law proceedings about how fees are apportioned following the end of their relationship. A parent is not excused from liability to the Principal because they pay child support to the other parent. Requests for Split Billing must be approved by the College and a split payment form must be completed and signed by both parties with the amended apportionment of fee liability equalling 100% of all fees. It is noted that changes to the enrolment agreement cannot modify the rights and responsibilities that both parents have under statute, and their status as partners with the Principal in the education of their child.

Fee collection

At the beginning of the school year, parents/guardians will be emailed an Annual Statement outlining their Child/children’s annual fees and associated levies and charges. Further statements are emailed each month. A range of options are available to parents/guardians to pay the annual fees and charges.

  • Direct Debit Payment of account by weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments automatically to the College from a nominated bank account under agreement with the School. The College prefers thes chool account to be finalised by the 30 November in each year.
  • Credit Card Payment of account by weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments automatically to the College from a nominated credit card under agreement with the School. The College prefers the school account to be finalised by the 30 November in each year
  • Payment in full by end of week 1 Term 1 by Cheque / EFTPOS / BPAY
  • Payment in four instalments (per Term) The first instalment is to be paid by the end of Week 1 of each term.
  • A Fee Payment terms form, Direct Debit form, Credit card form and financial checklist sign off is forwarded with all new enrolments. These forms are also available on the College website.

Financial difficulties

Families with limited capacity to pay school fees have an entitlement to claim a school fee concession. The College may request financial information from families to support applications for fee concessions or any other concessions. Requests for fee concessions shall be treated with dignity, fairness, compassion and confidentiality.

Debt collection agencies

Every parent who enrols their child/children in the school has an obligation to pay their school fees as a matter of justice to the whole school community. Where parents have the capacity to pay fees and have not made any attempt to pay fees by the due date, or leave the school with unpaid fees, then the collection of school fees shall be actively pursued. The debt may be passed onto our Debt Collection Agency for recovery. The Debtor will then additionally be liable for all collection costs and any associated fees involved in the recovery of the debt. The School keeps a comprehensive documentation of each attempt to resolve the problems of outstanding fees.

Exit procedure

When a student leaves the College, it is the parents/guardian’s responsibility to complete an Exit Form. This allows the School Fees to be adjusted. Without this completed form the student will continue to be charged Tuition Fees. The College expects accounts to be finalised by the time the Student Exits.

Refund policy Years 7-12

Exit TmeYear 7-11Year 12
Exit first 5 weeks of Term 1 12.5% of the fees are due 16.5% of the fees are due
Exit second weeks of Term 125% of the fees are due33% of the fees are due
Exit first 5 weeks of Term 2 37.5% of the fees are due49.5% of the fees are due
Exit second weeks of Term 250% of the fees are due 66% of the fees are due
Exit first 5 weeks of Term 3 62.5% of the fees are due 82.5% of the fees are due
Exit second weeks of Term 375% of the fees are due100% of the fees are due
Exit first 5 weeks of Term 4 87.5% of the fees are due
Exit second weeks of Term 4 100% of the fees are due



Application for deferment must be made in writing to the Head of Campus. Provided that one terms notice is given, places will be held during an extended absence. A holding fee will be charged, as follows,

  • Absent for one calendar year or more 6.25% of the annual fee for each year absent.
  • Absent for one term of more, but less than one year 25% of the fee for the period of absence.

Student exchange

Students on exchange to overseas schools will not be charged fees during their period of absence.

Payment methods

  • BPay (Biller Code and Ref. shown on statements)
  • Automatic Creditcard Payments
  • Automatic Direct Debit
  • Centrepay Deduction (contact the Fee Collection Officer to arrange)
  • Credit Card payment (by telephone during office hours 8am-4pm)
  • Cheque (made payable to Penola Catholic College and mailed to PO Box 3233 Broadmeadows 3047)
  • EFTPOS (during office hours 8am-4pm)

Fee Collection Officer

Parents may contact the Accounts Department on 03 9301 2777 to discuss their accounts.


I acknowledge that I have read and understood the Finance Obligations, Fee Collection and Payment Information 


Prior to this enrolment being accepted parents must nominate who is responsible for the College school fees. Please select from the following account options. 


understand that the student must have their digital resources purchased for the commencement of the school year. 
Have read and understood the financial information booklet provided by Penola Catholic College 
understand that a booklist will be provided for students to be purchased prior to the commencement of the school year. 
understand that a laptop will be purchased from the College for all Year 7 students.
understand I must provide my health care card at the College and apply for the CSEF 
understand that the fees to be paid must be finalised or can be placed with a debt collection agency 
understand that my child cannot do extra activities such as co-curricular, music, or outdoor education, language tours, art tours if the school fees are in arrears 
understand the Exit Refund Policy if my child exits the College